Saturday, May 16, 2015

After Much Thoughts...

So, I was thinking... There are many social media that I use like Instagram, Facebook(for personal use; not revealing-.-) and blogger. For art communities, Deviantart and Pixiv. And now, twitter is something new I decide to try, considering many the Japanese voice actors and anime that I love use that social media... In addition, twitter could be said a way for me to vent some thoughts yet it is still an online thing so I can't vent too much.

Maybe I was too hype up with twitter that I almost tweet my every activity; much like instagram at the start when I posted a lot of my SIF progress pic. However, twitter is different from instagram... For instagram, it wasn't so discouraging to see ppl follow and unfollow you ltr b'cos my followers are mostly my friends. While for twitter, b'cos I followed some jap voice actors and anime, japanese ppl just follows me...

Me being me, normally don't put my account private(except for Facebook which is really privately for myself...) and seeing the large number of followers in a few days... Hmm... How should I say this? It's like I gained some recognition from the public? At that pt, I feel like 'with more followers means I need to update more so that they will continue following' and thus feel or rather obligated to tweet in japanese(which I can but not very well with the limited vocab and grammar I've learnt><)  That period of time(about a week ago) was like I was enslaved to that social media... However, that was the wrong approach...

The followers still left and I'm like, 'Why???' After that, I kept a close watch on my followers and see them decrease as the days go... In the end, those followers only follow for fun or on a whim from who I follow... And I who went back to read my tweets for past 2 weeks, feel like a dumb person for tweeting all those stupid tweets...Sigh... During the time that I kept a close watch on my followers, I was surprised that my friends continue to follow me despite my spamming of tweets(I feel sorry for them to have to endure this crap from me T.T)

In addition, realised some followers of mine are a bit inappropriate and I kinda regret not putting my account private...Sigh... For now, I've decided to make it private but I won't be as strict like my FB; I will accept followers so long as they r decent since I did reveal my twitter in my Pixiv account...
EDIT: realised that private acc can't be displayed on blog... hmm... I suppose I could not put it in private and not post too many personal thing...

And so, I've decided!-Decided the use of each social media and art community!
Lastly, on the topic of twitter, I recently changed my twitter name; @Yaiji_Dark and not just that, I've also changed my Pixiv name to Yaiji as well. And now, I've decided I'll change my 'name' from Dark/Will to Yaiji as well!(The new name is a play of my real name...Wonder if my friends figured out...) I will be signing off with Yaiji from now on!


  1. For instagram, like always, post photos of food, beautiful scenery and my artwork plus screenshots of SIF- if I feel that it is considered an achievement to myself. 
  2. For blogger, no changes; posting updates when I like it and blogging when I need to pen down my thoughts(like now) 
  3. Facebook; it is off limit yet I wonder if I should make a open art page(nah, I think I've too many things at hand~)


Regarding this portion... There is a 'slight' change. I've decided that all artworks will be uploaded to Deviantart; be it doodles or simply normal artwork. While for Pixiv... I have decided to only upload 'quality' artwork instead... Simply put, artwork that I see that it look's fine to me. And with that said, you may have not realised this; I've deleted all Tales Project work.- I've decided to revamp them so I will. Since Pixiv now allows multiple illustrations in a upload, I will compile each revamp versions accordingly to their series.

Currently, I'm working on [Just A Dream] Re-Edit so the revamp of Tales Project will put on hold(but I will try my best to finish before my break ends!) 
Rest assured though!-If anything is deleted from Pixiv, my Deviantart acc will still have it; like Fuhen No Unmei chapter 1(I know I promised that I will upload again after I re-edit but after looking through it again... I find it bad so don't think I will upload till I decided I will revamp; there's chance I'm giving up on this... On a side note, you can still read from Deviantart.)   

And that's about it then; great to pen down my thoughts and reflect on both the past and present, and not to forget; think of the future.

(Making another post ltr for work progress~)


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