Sunday, November 27, 2016

[Notice] Deviantart gadget stopped working...-.-

Just realised the gadget stopped working... For now, I will put the link to my Deviantart here:

I will think of something like pinning this post or find another gadget to use after my exams so this is just a temporary thing^^;

Signing off,


[Updates] Inktober 2016

Somehow(during this exam period), finally managed to make both the compilation and video!- There's quite a delay between the compilation and the video; didn't have the time to work on the video until like 2 days ago(after my 2nd last paper)^^;
The same goes for this blog post- writing right now cos I'm bored from studying and taking a small break...

Link to the compilation: PIXIV 

And then the video: 

PS: really love the song used(and it fits nicely at the end-credits!)

You can also see the works under the hashtag #inktoberjy on my Instagram! I uploaded a collage of the work done onto Deviantart which is the base of my cover and backcover of the compilation:) As there are 31 works, I'm just going to upload a few onto Deviantart or risk spamming-.-

About this event, Inktober; 
It's my first time participating and I must say: it was fun at first till at the middle(when school works start piling up), that's when it became a chore to draw everyday even tho it's just one art and without colours to the point of tiring to keep up...
However, I don't regret participating at all! I had a lot of fun, trying out ink styles, thinking of themes to draw that I actually came up with a new AU for LLSS; PirateMarine AU~ Only drew like a sneak preview of the characters in each of their years to set the basis- thinking of expanding(after my exams that is) but there's LL random doodles series to work on too^^; 
Gng get quite busy during my semester break...     

And so, until next time!(likely to be my small review of AFASG?)
This is Yaiji signing off, ja ne~


Thursday, November 10, 2016

[Updates] Love Live Sept babies~

It's been a long while and in just a few more weeks to my finals; pretty much am still busy but... Thought of updating; at least for the Sept stuff(so that Oct's can come in after^^;)

LL Sept babies

For each work, see from Pixiv
September is the month of 3 Love Live members' bdays! Initially, it was just Kotori but with Aqours, 2 more joined and it was more hectic to draw them, especially when Riko and Ruby birthdays are 2 days apart only-.- Furthermore, September is the mid-month of my school semester when my mid-terms were but one way or another, I managed with a few days late, haha... But I guessed the members acknowledged my effort and rewarded me with SR and UR!- See here for Riko and Ruby
**It's a tradition for me to scout only after I had done my birthday arts for the girls and I take it as the girls like it when they reward me with SR/UR:)
I suppose Kotori didn't like it...0.0...Can't blame her cos I'm really losing inspiration for muse's members; been too focused on Aqours...

**Small note:

Following the format I said(before I went hiatus), I won't be uploading the art pieces here but will share the link of where they can be found. As such, I guess it's only after I uploaded the works onto websites like Pixiv; I will share those works done in HD quality.
However, to see WIPs or completed works but of slight low quality, feel free to see them from my Insta and Twitter (Twitter will be a better choice; with 'mystory' function in insta, I normally post WIPs there which will only stay for 24h...)

And so, until the next time(which will be the time I get all my inktober works up...)...
This is Yaiji signing off, ja ne~
