Sunday, June 24, 2018

[Update] Frustration.....

Blogging to update a bit and vent some... Frustration out...

My part-time job ended last week and I had been going for job interviews for the past weeks.

And well, comparing to the ones I went before(during my school term), the companies seemed better, especially a particular one in which it's job scope is close to what I wanted and the location is good!- I'm hoping for the good news(but I'm not positive about it tho...)

This is where my frustration is; I had been to quite a fair bit of interviews(tho they are not many) and while they were good experiences, it sux not getting any offers so far...........Sigh...........

Tbh, I'm not exactly actively looking for a job yet due to my July trip; since I'm thinking of starting work in August... That said, it would be great to have a confirmed job which I can start in August- in that sense, I can go for my trip in peace and worry less~

But that will be too good to be true, huh?

Actually, I do have an ambiguous offer from a company... Ambiguous in the sense that they sent an email saying the interview outcome was positive and now working on the recuitment process... But that was 2 weeks ago-.- And my friend whom also got this status from the company, received a call from the company this week while I don't... I'm thinking maybe the recuitment process did not work out well... Sigh...

Currently, I'm just waiting for the one that I mentioned earlier which I liked. Judging from the amount of failures... I'm not really positive about the outcome(esp after the one I went last week, didn't reply even though they said they would, regardless of the outcome... I take it that it was a fail; I mean if it went well, they would definitely reply. Else, there is no point...It hurts just thinking about it... And I kept checking my email everyday this week...)

And that's my current pathetic life... At least I have things to keep me occupied; my N3 jap exam which I'm starting to feel less confident about it(after doing the assessment...) and my July trip!

In addition, I'm working on a 30-days challenge of drawing ChikaRiko moments since last week, 16 June 2018~
This challenge is just me drawing one ChikaRiko moment per day in a span of 30 days!- with a theme in mind:)
And to make things interesting, I decided to make manga ver(vertical/portrait) and illustration ver(horizontal/landscape) in rotation; example, if day 1 was manga, day 2 would be illustration!

Will be uploading everyday onto my insta-story or twitter!

That is all. This post is mainly to pen my thoughts and reflect on my recent job-finding experience...

Likely to update again before I fly~

Until next time, this is Yaiji signing off!

PS: It doesn't help that friends around you already got a job while you don't...

Sunday, June 10, 2018

[Updates] Aqours POV series~

Finally, finished this series last week and I've already uploaded the full work onto the various platforms; | PixivDeviantart | Twitter | Instagram |

And, I compiled the series into a book; here's a showcase of it:

Music used: Kiseki Hikaru by Aqours

^Lovely song; can't wait for the full ver!

Artist's notes:

This series first started off with Riko's POV as a work done for Inktober 2017 and was inspired by Athyra's Love Live Sunshine x Harry Potter Crossover.
After that, I went on to expand it by working on You's POV as another Inktober work, and then Chika's as well!

Intending to stop at 2nd yrs(my fave trio~), I felt it was a waste; plus I was having fun, thinking of the various ideas of each member's POV!

Yoshiko's POV was long thought of when I decided to expand even more. As for Hanamaru's POV, didn't have inspiration until I started from one panel and one led to another- I must say I love Hanamaru's the most due to how the panels flow!

Initially, Ruby's POV would link as a continum to Dia's POV... However, somehow... Even though I've the idea in my head, I couldn't draw them-.-
I made do with another way to illustrate the idea behind Ruby's POV~ Dia's POV would be confusing if not for the last POV I did in colour; showing the link that Dia can't see the hut but Riko can...

Next, the last two POV were somewhat hard cos I didn't have an idea of what type of roles to give them... For Kanan's POV, it was similar to Hanamaru's; ideas came while drawing:) I had Mari's POV to show the concept of flying by broom. As the 'last' POV, I tried to tie up the series by showing more of that fateful night/incident...

Lastly, the special POV; as mentioned, it was to show the relation of Dia's POV! It was also to introduce the mysterious character called 'Yocchan'(tbh, it isn't mysterious if you know this nickname given) whom Riko knew(and is afraid of...)


Here's a bit of the background(since it's likely I won't be expanding any further than these...)

Sakurauchi Riko is just any average teenager until she was introduced to the world of magic(by Yocchan) and attended the school of magic. 
At there, she met Aqours members and became friends with them and maybe closer to some...?(as seen from the POVs;)
This new life seemed great to Riko that she wouldn't want to return(to her old life) until that incident...
The incident where she trusted the wrong person and in the process, her two important friends, Chika and You, were mentally cripped by one of the unforgiven curses, crucio...
To save whatever was left of their sanities, Riko had to erase their memories and that also meant Chika and You losing their memories of her...

This series of POV was the aftermath of that incident and showed how each character was coping with it; whether they were involved and if they were, directly or indirectly...

In this series/AU, each work was done with the idea that Riko is the main character or the focus and showing her interactions and relations with the other Aqours members!

Some thoughts; possible ending...

I was thinking along the line that Riko tried to do what she can to amend her mistakes; like fighting against Yocchan... And in order to beat Yocchan, she had to use up all her magic... She would mean she would no longer be a mage/wizard after that... 

And she would say, "maybe this is how it should; I, who was just a normal, average teenager, should have just stay normal than trying to be special... Maybe this is my punishment for wanting more..." with a smile before using up her magic(which was granted by Yocchan) to defeat Yocchan; like as if Riko's returning everything back to Yocchan and going back to her old life...

At least, that's how I thought it would end- Something like Bleach(which Bleach should have ended there than expanding further...) But, it's really up to readers' interpretation and imagination~ 


As much as I love to work on this series more, I'm afraid of my tendency to go hiatus halfway and lost my inspiration later(which happened to some work series I have...currently...)
Plus I will be working soon so this means less time to draw...(and I should try settle Random Doodles X Love Live before then...)

Oh and before I forget, it's not much(but it is to me, lol); this work got into pixiv ranking!!!

Refer to this LINK for the ranking page!

I was quite surprised and like to thank everyone for the support!!!XDDDD

That is all. Currently, working part-time while (kinda of) studying for JLPT N3 before my trip in July!- Can't wait(>^<)

This is Yaiji, signing off!


Monday, June 4, 2018


Today was the release of results which I only found out today(lol); thinking it was tomorrow instead^^;

Truthfully... I was scared and worried for this particular module that I had no confident of, after walking out of the exam hall... All I hoped was a pass(so that I can graduate in peace; wouldn't want to be retained, just b'cos of this one module...)
Well, it was really a pass(or rather in my standard since it's the lowest grade I ever gotten; a C+) so in a way I'm 'glad'

That said, I was surprised by the overall gpa; I mean you would expect a drop, seeing as there was a C but instead it improved... And that raise was all thanked to my FYP!XD

The thing about University is that Academic Unit or AU is responsible for the percentage or weightage of one's gpa while the grade would be the base value...
In other words, if you did damm well on this high AU module of let's say 8AU and got an A, you're sure your gpa will raise if your current GPA is in the B range despite your other modules cos it's good enough to cancel the negatives~

And that was my situation so overall, I'm satisfied:)

That's one worry gone; left one more of finding a job which I had been going for interviews and stuff but still at zero... Tbh, I'm not exactly in a rush to find since I can only start working in August... Currently, I'm working part-time to help fund a bit of my July graduate trip~
Plus I'm taking JLPT N3 in the coming July 1st(hoping it won't be too hard like my Jap 5...)

And that's about it- was elated by my results and can't helped blog! Can't wait for convocation and throw my graduation hat up high!

This is Yaiji signing off!


PS: will be doing another update for the finished series, [Aqours] POV and explain in more details of this AU!