Sunday, August 31, 2014


Materials used:

1. The design base(Free! drawing)
2. Hard base for the card(Purple)
3. Envelope(Black)

After some cutting and pasting...

The card is done! Seems alright though after the resize to fit as a card, the quality of the drawing drops... But still, main thing is that my friend like it...(Hope she does...)  

And now, a little small corner for my gaming life! Just finished chapter 3(Quite slow>_<) of the main story from SIF(School idol Festival) and there is already MakiXRin indication as shown here:

A very bold declaration by Rin! Quite surprised since in the anime, Rin had an argument with Maki over Hanayo and yet... I thought for once Rin is attached to Hanayo instead.(0.0) This should explain why Maki and Rin is a possible pair... Though most fans think Maki should be with Nico which I don't understand until I read manga... Well, the characters in the manga are really different; Eri is not all that 'arrogrant'(Unlike her anime counterpart) and there is even a EriXHonoka moment when Eri suggested kissing Honoka if Honoka don't calm down...It's like Eri just got Nozomi's personality from the anime... Now I get where all the weird pairings are coming from... When there are different sources of the same series, fans can interpret in any way they like.  
Currently, I only gotten Umi, Maki and Eri R cards... Hoping to get the others, esp. my second fave char (Can u guess it?) Btw, if you're a LL fan, you should go look out for the different rejections by the nine members when you(A guy preferably) confess to them! It was both refreshing and interesting to see another side of the characters(Or rather how the artist think their rejections will be like...)

Oh yeah, today's August 31 which the day pixiv beta closes... Went to the website and it is still up; going to go check tmr. If it really closes down...I suppose... I should think whether I should use pixiv... (Sigh)

That's about it then! This is Will signing off, ja ne~


Saturday, August 30, 2014

B-PC part 3

It is finally done! Behold...

A combination of pencil, water-colour pencils and copic markers for the colours. As for the background and logo(Which are not mine), I used CLIP STUDIO PAINT to put in. The background is from this link:

Initially, I planned to buy copic markers to make up the lack of colours needed for the Free! characters. However, I realised that I've the colours but in the form of water-colour pencils. I thought the quality of water-colour pencils could not be compared to that of copic makers but how wrong I was... It turned out fine and that saved a lot of my money.

Right now, the above image or drawing is been sent for printing in the postcard size before making it into a postcard. Will show the end product in due time.(Maybe tmr?) To add on, the above image had been uploaded in both DA and Pixiv!

Oh yeah before I end off, I recently just started Love live School Idol Fesival and it was like any typical music game but with u's songs which is the whole selling part of the game.(for me that is...) Name's Yuki in the game with Umi(My fave) as the leader. Feel free to add if you see me!

That's about it then!-Got to go do my Uni homework! This is Will signing off, ja ne!


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

B-PC part 2

With the colouring done today, here it is:

All I can say is that my colouring skill is bad... But this will do I guess. I'll upload this in DA and Pixiv after scanning it. (FYI: Pixiv Beta's ending on August 31 so no idea if I'll still be using pixiv without english translation...) The last part will be on the final product, the postcard before sealing it off in an envelope!

Daily life of a certain artist:

Just watched this week's episode of Re:Hamataro, Hajime has quite a sad past and her minimum...I must say it is like almost every special power anime like To Aru Majutsu No Index, there will be one who holds the power to nullify special powers of others.-This can be called the counter in such animes? But no matter, I wonder why the 'bad' guys want her power for and then in the flashback, Nice was shot yet he survived...Because he was not shot in the heart?

Oh yeah, I went to cycle today after school and man, it was a bad experience of either almost hitting someone or falling off my bike... Sigh...But that's not going to stop me from cycling!-Right now, I love this hobby of mine especially during a windy day when I can ride fast and experience the wondering feeling of the wind brushing against my skin!

That's about it then! This is Will signing off, ja ne~



Monday, August 25, 2014

ICDS and B-PC subpart 1

Yesterday, 24/8 was ICDS. ICDS stands for international cosplay day Singapore. As the name implies, it is a cosplay day for cosplayers. However, as much I love anime, cosplay really isn't my cup of tea.  So instead of going for cosplay, I went for the anime stuff sold there.-An anime convention like EOY. It was both outdoor and indoor as the convention was held in 3 levels of a building. Unlike EOY, I actually bought something!(To make it worth the trip down!)

Ok, that wasn't what I have in mind to tell my fave char from love live but yes, Umi's my fave! In my previous post, I finished watching love live and man, I wished it never end... The comedy and the music! (Especially the music!) The songs are really great like I said! (Currently listening to: No Brand Girls!)

I was planning to make a fanart on love live(instead of Free!-But my friend don't know love live so...) but worried the lack of time plus the fear of screwing up the drawing... It'll be a horror... But my school life comes first for now(at least for this semester) to test the standards.

As for my current project, B-PC, unfortnately, I failed to digitally colour the scanned drawing I did on paper so... Got to use copic markers instead... Have to go shopping for colours.-There goes my money.>_<

Oh yeah, here's the clearer version of the drawing without colour:
Added the logo...
That's all then! This is Will signing off, ja ne~


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Doodles, reflection and... LOVE LIVE!

Casts of Just A Dream (Chibi edition)

Random char- both normal and chibi!

Doodles did during yesterday and today's morning lecture(>.<) PS: the lecture was super boring... Was trying out chibi drawing which seem a lot easier to draw; less details to draw.

Blogging to pen down some thoughts... This is week 2 of my Uni life and... I guess I should really buck up and let go some personal hobbies of mine until my exams are over for this semester.(?)- I... Suppose I should stop watching anime for now...(Sigh~) Or maybe leave it as a reward for a day or a week of school? To say the truth, I don't know whether I can really do alright with how 'somewhat' slack I am... Maybe b'cos it is still the basics? (Sigh~) 

In addition, I guess I'm minimizing my playing time on MA and BF... Hoping I will not lose my passion for those games...

With those thoughts, I wonder if there will be a day I stop drawing altogether?(I did stop briefly in my JC/Highschool but luckily found back my passion!) One of the friends I made during my temp work did tell me, never to stop drawing. In other words, not to lose my passion I suppose. Who knows? I love drawing a lot yet it will obstruct my current school life...

I still remember how I have the fear that if one day, I can't draw.- At that time, the low self-esteem me(Still am but has improved a lot) take that drawing is my only talent that I guess make me unique even though there're far better artists out there. Taking the thing that makes me unique, special is equal to taking away my use in this world- that was really what I thought back then... Thought of 'what if my eyesight worsen to the point I can't see?' really scared me back then and it still scare me since my eyesight is not improving. However, neither is it worsening so I can say it is fine as it is.

Without any use, I thought I wouldn't have any place in this world I guess... I really have low self-esteem at that time but now... I've began to think more positively.

I guess that should be all. Oh yeah, I finally finished watching love live!- I must say this: I LOVE μ's!-The songs especially! Of course, ARISE's songs(though not many) are not bad either(Hearing [private wars] right now!) but if both bands are real, I would still choose μ's!  It's sad that the series has ended... But their great songs will always get me hype up!(And maybe cheer me up?)  Heard that there's a movie for it- Looking forward to it! Oh yeah, out of the nine members in μ's!, like any fan, I would love one member more than the other 8!-Can u guess it? Will reveal in due time!

That's about it! Before ending off, there's another anime convention again this Sunday so going to finish up work for next week to enjoy and not to mention my B-PC! This is Will signing off, ja ne~


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

B-PC part 1

Had been busy lately; trying to adjust myself to my Uni's life. My current project, Just A Dream, will have to be on hold until I get the hang of this new life.

As it is, I'm not struggling much with my homework but rather the sudden vast amount of work to be done.- It is something I find hard to cope; making me stress over that matter. However, the situation is improving as I'm slowly working off my current work, allowing new work to be assigned. Will see how things go for this month before I can make a weekly timetable for this semester. 

Moving on, I started a new project called B-PC. (I know you'll be thinking why the heck am I starting a new project when my current one not done plus the fact that I'm busy with my uni life?) Well, this project is supposed to be a gift for my friend's birthday that is coming soon. 

Initially, I wanted to try make a snow globe but do not have the materials(as the shop I went to has closed down for renovation...) plus the fact that it is time-consuming. (Also, I don't have a solid plan yet of how it can be done>.<) 

Instead, I'm doing a postcard for her.(Hence, the name!) Considering that she likes Free! the anime, I drew a postcard on that anime. And... I realised my skills in doing fanart is lacking or rather I'm refraining myself from 'copying' characters that aren't mine. In other words, I've the tendency to draw my own style than try following how the characters are drawn... In a way, it is a great step to being an artist of myself than a sketch artist but it sometimes mean that the fanart I did does not look like the characters at all. You can see from this example: 

The base of the postcard- Will be colouring it digitally.   

I can say that Rin, Makoto and Rei look alike though Rei looks a little younger... As for Haru and Nagisa(which are the 2 chars that my friend like), they just don't look alike...-_-'' I don't know why; their hairs seem fine; maybe the body structure?-No idea seriously... 

In addition, I didn't watch this anime so it was hard to decide a post for each character so I got my inspiration from this image:

From Auguest issue of Newtype- Didn't include the new guy since I had no idea who he is...
But it was fun drawing these characters, especially the hairs. It allows me to learn new ways to draw male characters' hairs which seem more realistic than the one I drew that are spiky... 

Will upload this after scanning it to have a clearer view(the above is just a photo of the drawing) with non-coloured and coloured. And of course, after the postcard is done, I'll post it too!

Oh yeah, images used(mainly for the sports wear; didn't want to draw them with their abs plus my friend dislikes it...):

That's about it then. Going to go watch love live season 2 (just started not long and man, wished that I had started earlier watching this great anime! Love the songs and comedy!) before going back to work! This is Will signing off, ja ne~


Thursday, August 14, 2014


I think I am so used to sleeping late and waking up late that waking early affect my concentration a lot. Had 2 lectures today and I can't seem to concentrate... The first lecture was like I might as well just don't come at all... As for the second lecture... It was interesting but I... Or rather my body was being honest that I really lack of sleep... Every single day that I need to wake up at 0600, I looked like a zombie; half-dead brushing my teeth, half-dead having my breakfast, half-dead taking the train, half-dead walking to the lecture theater and lastly, half-dead listening to the lectures...(Sigh~) Basically, my week was a bad one due to my constant 'zombie' mode...   

This is Will signing off, ja ne~


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

University-The life of Choice... Ramblings of a certain lost student...

When you don't have a choice, you complain the lack of choices...

And when you've the ability to choose, you complain the difficulty of choosing...

Uncertainty is really a fearsome thing; I can't decide because the uncertainty of whether I can or cannot do well for that course keep haunting me...

I keep thinking, 'Is this course easy?' 'Will I be able to score a decent grade?' 'Will this course affect my core courses?'

As of now, I just dropped one course that I registered as back-up, leaving the one without a final exam...

BUT! There is group project and I sucks at that... It's not like I can't do it but rather I'm bad at communicating with people.(Sigh~The life of an introvert...)

However, this is one course that I read from the reviews that isn't too hard; it is manageable...

Seen the course schedule and it is quite slack if u ask me...

After much thinking with one course still in waiting list which I think it is a gone case, I say, "Screw this! Just take the damm course and focus on it!"

If I keep thinking that I can change, I will get no where! It's true that there is uncertainty of whether I can do well for the course but if I don't decide and keep being fickle-minded... I will get no where!- I need to settle down!

Final Decision: Accept the damm course and work hard for it!

And that is all of the ramblings of a certain lost student... Now for some updates... The one-shot manga, Just A Dream, isn't progressing well with school's starting and everything.(Sigh~) I'll try to finish the drafts as soon as possible but the progress is slow so... I guess if worse comes to worst that I can't cope with my studies... Project will have to be on hold till my exams are over... And if that scenario comes into place, then I guess the project will only be completed in December- during my school break.

That's all then. This is Will signing off, ja ne~


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Nation's 49th birthday, Comifest and School's starting(Sigh...) [+ A certain walking home experience...]

8 August marked the end of my orientation week and in about 2 days from today, school's starting for me... (Sigh~) The orientation week had been a fruitful one as I learned more about the University's education system which is flexible as I get to plan my own timetable. Beside that, I got to know my classmates and schoolmates. More than that, I realised that I can actually take on art courses like digital drawing despite being an engineering student! And then, there are oversea trips that I can take in next year but probably going to just go for one trip; an oversea internship if possible...(The cost is too much>.<) Best of all, I got to wear the graduation outfit without the hat! And I will make sure I wear it again in 4 years time! The outfit looks a lot like those worn in Harry Potter Movies! The freebies like the University's jacket was something great to have; it made me feel like I am a part of my University!

With that said, yesterday, 9/8, was my nation's birthday! This year, the nation turned 49 which is older than me by 30 years...(So I am not very young now-.-) On the same day, there's an anime convention called Comifest. It's quite a small event as compared to EOY but the big difference is that the venue of this event is air-conditioned!- Away from the sunny weather! Walked around and ended up buying a plushie called Aitori, made by the group called Daiyaku.

Say "Hello!" to Aitori! The newest edition to my plushie collection!

Aitori keychain!-Bought for my younger sister!

Also, I managed to get some freebies; some postcards...

The art is great though it is hard to differentiate female and male characters with similar hairstyles and body structures...

Beside that, the bookstore called Kinokuniya is having a 25% discount from 9/8-11/8! Planned to buy this month issue of CompAce but in the end... It was sold out!!!(-_-) And so, I bought manga instead of magazine...(To 'compensate' for the lack of magazine...)

That's pretty much sums up this week of mine. Oh yeah, before I forget, this is a certain or rather a concurrent incident that keeps happening in my life and 3 words for this: I HATE IT...

I swear before those smokers meet their ends due to smoking, those non-smokers like me will die from second-hand smoking and it is not like I want it... This is when I think the world is really unfair though there is no one to blame but human who invented cigarettes. Did the above manga yesterday with my art tablet. Tried colouring a bit here and there. Took me a while to get the manga done.

That's about it then. Regarding chapter 1 of Fuhen No Unmei, a big sorry to all as I am currently working on my current manga project, Just A Dream so I'll only do the editing after the project's done(at least the drafts...) As for my the manga project, Just A Dream, it is progressing well; reaching the last few pages to end the manga... I'll try my best to finish by this week cos I just realise how much admin plus preparatory work to be done before school starts.(Lucky tmr's a school holiday for me plus the fact that tutorials do not start until next week.-Where real horror starts?)

With that, I'll end off now. This is Will signing off, ja ne~


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Manga series, Fuhen No Unmei: Temporary Taken Down from my Pixiv Acc...

Short post here: While looking through some of my works, I realise that my manga series, Fuhen no Unmei, has many errors here and there. The art is also quite bad... I'm thinking of taking down this manga but... I had told myself that I'll see to it to the end and finish it as my first manga series! So instead of taking the manga down, I'll just correct the errors; not going to redo as I don't have that much time for that... Maybe I'll make chapter 2 better as a compensate?  I just took down the manga from my pixiv account so give me some time before I upload again the version with all errors corrected! (The manga is still in my DA acc though; I would replace the pages with errors so bear with me!>.<)

This is Will signing off, ja ne~
