Saturday, September 7, 2019

Starting Sept with a hectic work schedule

August ended last week and to think the month seemed long that I can't wait for September to come(mainly cos of my trip)

But now, I wished it didn't ended that fast...

The sudden hectic work schedule hit me hard this week...

Monday came with new urgent stuff for one of the projects that I am working on and afterwards, things went bad b'cos of company restrictions that I had to use my own hotspot to continue working-.-

While my supervisor did try provide a solution for 'my' issue/problem, I really had no idea if it works and trying out after getting many warnings is gonna be so bad if the solution fails and I get another warning- I can't afford to fail anymore which my supervisor don't seem to understand.

^So I rather sacrifice a little; by using my hotspot than risk my stale reputation, caused by tasks assigned by supervisor, whom should have done risk management before assigning(but at this point, I have already lost faith and trust in my supervisor that I am not surprised by this repercussion...)

Next, due to the urgency of the task, I stayed behind longer for two nights so that the program can run more and longer- Tbh, I was quite surprised I was willing to stay/ot since I had already stopped caring much for the job...

I care much for my life outside of work and always tried to make it for my family dinner but b'cos of these tasks, I forsaken them for two days and dang, that feeling sux... And, to add on, I couldn't spend much time with my pet terrapin...

This agony ended when the program is finally done on Friday(but the results aren't fantastic so I guess it's another problem for later...Sigh...)

Besides this, I was dealing with an issue that my colleague has of my department file server- Now that I think back, I wonder why did I help when it isn't really my job nor do I have the time but I helped...
It was quite tiring and stressful that I had no one whom I can turn to for more advice on this. What's worse was that there was no safe net; I must resolve this issue!
I'm just lucky that one of the suggested solutions from the net resolved it...

Lastly, the long awaited stuff for my other side project(assigned to me for good exposure and experience) was finally given to me after much chasing and waiting.
Working on it is the real challenge as I had no prior knowledge nor experience in this. And adding on to the pressure of it being urgent is not helping much... I am hoping much to get this side project to be done before I go for my holidays; at least I can enjoy my holidays in more peace than now...

And, that was my awesome first week of Sept- Now that I have pen down, I'm surprised all these happened over just one week. No wonder work was constantly on my mind- whether was it during lunch time or after work... Even now, it is still on my mind; worrying if I can finish them...

Moving on to a small art update:

Just uploaded all works done from March to August to Pixiv:

This compilation not only contains the birthday fanarts done for Aqours and Kukugumi but also some doodles done in my mini sketchbook- I will be doing a short video to showcase my sketchbook when it is fully filled~

As mentioned in my previous post, I've already done the Sept babies and will do the uploading during my trip^^

That is all then. Apologies for the long venting of my work life; venting is a form of platform for me to collect my thoughts and let them out while sometimes discovering stuff that I may or may not have think of- You can say it is a build of self-awareness about myself...?
