Tuesday, December 2, 2014

LL T-shirt design project (partly for AFA)

Finals are finally over(yesterday was my last paper) and now, you can say I have the time to reboot my current (initially on hold) projects plus work on some stuff before the deadlines. One of these stuff is the new anime shirt I decided to make and going to wear to the upcoming anime event, AFA!

I had been debating what anime shirt should I made (while studying for my finals>.<). In the end, I come to the conclusion of doing a Love Live shirt.- Considering that I am going for the Sat main stage event to see two of the love live voice actors; Suzuko Mimori(UMI's voice actor!\^.^/) and Sora Tokui(Nico's voice actor; Nico Nico Ni!) When I heard there was a secret guest appearance, I was really hoping for another LL voice actor but it turned out not...Oh well, at least Eli's voice actor, Yoshino Nanjo, will make an appearance since she's one of the singers for the Sat concert plus my fave voice actor from iDOLM@ster, Asami Imai(voice actor of Chihaya Kisaragi) as well!  

Here's the draft work for the base design of my shirt:
1st stage: light sketch with H pencil

2nd stage: Darken with 2B pencil

3rd Stage: Outline with marker pen
And finally(sacrificing some of my sleep-.-), the work is done!

Final stage: Colouring with copic marker
 You can say this is a rush work on my part since I only started in the late afternoon(as I couldn't get any inspiration...) and barely finished it before today. You may be thinking why the rush; it's cos today's the day I am going to the place where I can print my design on my shirt; in a way it's called 'making my shirt'. While the design may be done, there was a small problem of the choice of colour of the shirt... Well, I like blue, preferably dark blue, myself but considering I've too many of too coloured shirts, I wanted to get another coloured shirt... White seem too plain...For black, I also have quite a few. Bright colours like red, orange and yellow are really not my cup of tea while dark colours like purple and brown are colours I've too many of. After pestering my sibling about this problem and thinking to myself, I've decided on...
Grey!-A mixture of white and black!

If I have to share my experience while drawing the base, I can only say this is my first time drawing all LL characters and I've my fears of screwing up my drawing. Though it may not be obvious or that you could call it as artist's sharp eyes(?), I could easily find my screw up. As such, I was planning not to print my shirt...But with encouragement from my family that the drawing was fine before and after colouring, I went on with the printing and that's how this shirt of mine was made! When the shirt was done, my family once again assure me it was great. I supposed you can say I really have low confidence in myself sometimes...(I will be uploading a better quality of this base drawing of mine to DA and pixiv after I've scanned; this pic has already uploaded to my Instagram!)

And so, I will be wearing this shirt to AFA and going for the main stage event on the Sat. To ppl who are going, see ya there!-Can't wait for it! Getting pumped up for it!

A little update: I will reboot Just A Dream project and try to get it done before my Semester 2 starts! And then, there's the secret Santa event for my DA's group plus the Christmas card for the DA event. If I still have time, I may continue my Tales project for one series and maybe re-doing some. The other projects that I've mentioned before like the LL fanfic idea and new manga idea may or may not only start after my Semester 2 or in between my Semester 2. That's pretty much the updates.

This is Will signing off, ja ne~(tired after a day away from home><)


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