Gundam Docks Singapore; the 3 exclusive editions done!
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Last one: MS-06S Zaku II GDSG ver. |
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All 3~ |
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Good Vs Bad~ |
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Good Vs Bad(with the boxes as background) |
This is my first time building RG and I must say it is hardest build I ever did since I started gunpla building; I had built before SD gundam, HD and MG... The amount of parts used to build RG is not a joke; comparable with MG and the small parts are no joke! And the worst of all that I always thought is the most relaxing is the pasting of stickers/decals!- There're way too many to paste for RG and what made it frustrating is how small they are!(if I didn't have the gunpla equipment to paste the stickers, I think I would have given up pasting the stickers- I may even lose them in the process...)
However, it was still fun to build and for me, the more challenging it is, the better!- Sense of accomplishment emphasized plus I gained more experience! That's why while I kinda fear building RG(I can take whole day and have not finished; unlike HG despite being same size...), I'll still choose RG than HG!- I'm not a masochist, thank you.
It's just that RG is more beautiful than HG and my gunpla collection policy is not to buy the same gunpla; be it whether that gunpla has MG, RG or HG, once I bought it in either MG, RG or HG, I'll not buy it again in other grades. So if I'm gng build something once, I'll want the best and obviously, I choose RG! U may ask, y not MG or even PG(thinking of one day at least build one of that grade!), I guess you could say I realised big gunpla are not exactly appealing, in my opinion that is... Plus it occupies too much space.(-.-)
Just A Dream- Re-edit ver.
As of today, I finally finished the outlining/inking stage!(except the colouring pages; pg 1 and 2)
I may be pushing the cleaning part to my next break instead... I'm not trying to prolong its completion but rather I need a break from working on this project... Don't worry, I'm not losing my inspiration but rather I can't wait to work on the second chapter! But these processes after the draft stage can be a pain to do but they are essential... Yet it's a chore to do so to prevent myself from losing interest, I'm taking a break; I will work on it once in a while; just that I may not finish the cleaning stage before my break's over and need to 'pour over' to my next break...
A little small update; I finally decide the skirt's colours... I know it took me damm long to do it(guess I was too caught up with the drafts...) And here is it:
That's not all; I did some char design for the next chapter.(it's not finished though~) Here's a sneak peak:(2 pointers to take note~)
Without colours |
With coloured Haru~ |
POINT 2: And, the children- there's young Haru and then... Aki? Yukine? New characters?- Well, I can only say that they r childhood friends of Haru at this pt...(I won't be showing the coloured ver. till I start on chapter 2...)
I'm thinking of working on some scenes of chapter 2(after I gt some manga paper)- That'll be the sneak peak I promised.
Love Live Fanart(scanned ver)~
Better versions after scanning~ I've uploaded the non-scanned versions onto my Deviantart, IG and Twitter. I've decided to switch my approach for Pixiv; I'm gng draw more before I upload in all work in one-shot.
Million Arthur Fanart; [Scholar Vs Original](Scanned ver)
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Blade Protector |
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Galahad |
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Gawain |
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Lancelot |
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Mordred |
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Sorcery King |
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Techno Smith |
Personal~(WARNING: if you hate ramblings, pls don't read below! You've been warned!)
First, this week's Thurday was the day of Stars War!- It's actually a war for me to fight for the school timetable I want! As this is my first time so I was nervous and panicked when I see the modules I want to take are all taken... At that time, I really felt unfair of how I gt the later timing! However, it turned out to be fair since the school does reserve some spots for the later timing! In other words, it is a fight between internet connectivity and how fast you're! Luckily, when I entered my ideal timetable, I was able to register all except one!-(that very one was on waitlist due to too many ppl wanting it...)
I was very so happy and relieved! At last, I can get rid of this nagging feel of failing to get my ideal timetable; it'll be troublesome if I did not get what I want... With this, I can go to my trip with ease!(though excelling in the modules is another matter to consider when the semester starts again...)
Moving on, in another 4 more days, I'll be flying to my heaven lean once again! This time it is in the season of summer so wonder how the experience will be; maybe it'll be like my country? Nonetheless, it is always exciting to revisit, no matter how many times I go!- Cos my love for it, is that strong!(haha>8<)
And since I'm going, I was in a slight dilemma; the jap magazines are out on the first week of the month and I wasn't sure whether to buy now or wait till I get to jap... After much thinking, I decided to take a gamble.- If it is sold out in jap, then I will ask my sibling to help me buy in my country and if either one of the magazines are sold out then I accept it; it's the price to pay for taking this gamble after all.
Here r the 2 magazines I want to buy:
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Must collect that Nozomi- the last one! |
Recently, I started watching Hibike! Euphonium(currently at ep 5) and I must say I am amazed by the wide varieties of instruments aside from Piano, Violin, Drums and Guitar... While watching, I can't feel regretful... I regret why didn't I be more active in my choice of CCA throughout my 20 yrs of life... Let's just say, seeing the characters in the anime playing(and some who are beginners), I can't help wanted to be like them. And the worst/best of all, the yr 1 characters actually have the mindset to be start afresh in their new schools while me in their year... Was just too nervous starting in an unfamilar place...
TBH... I started really living when I was in my secondary school... My pri school life was a blur; I was like going along the flow(and I still think I am right now...) I was just like an average student, person living my life normally without doing anything interesting...
Guess when I stepped into secondary school, the first few weeks were a blur but when I started my Uniform CCA(NPCC) and my friend taught my to draw anime characters, I finally gained some colours in my life. While I was still going with the flow, for once, I experienced some life in my life! That's kinda the start when I slowly broke out of my shy shell(still shy though-.-)
Secondary School could be said the most colourful stage of my current life. My JC life was... Not a blur but a rather depressing period where it was hard to blend into my class... I wasn't the type that take initiatives; I've low self-esteem due to low support I gt even if I did suggest something good, my voice ended up unheard... That period kinda put my slightly high self esteem from my sec sch to near zero again... And I was reminded of my pri sch time when I worked alone; skipping recess(cos I wasn't hungry and saving my money) to do my work... With no one to accompany; just me alone...
That was also the period I understood that... Human can't be alone... It's hard... Even if you want solitude at one pt, you'll end up seeking for another after that...
I used to think it was alright to be alone; after all it helped with my independence! But that was just immature thinking...
While working alone sure helped me study much; improve much, it can only help as much as I can with my ability; I nid the others' help to improve further!-But who am I to turn to? That was the problem I faced in my JC and thus my grades suffered as a result... I regretted yet I can't do anything;
I wished I could start afresh like many anime characters but animes are fantasy... Ppl don't just approach you and say, "Hi, nice to meet you! I'm [...] and I'll be your neighbour in class! Hope we get along together!" Guess that's also y I like animes so much; they show me a world I can never get but dream of... Yet they show me! And even if it is an escape from reality, I gladly take it; for it eases my loneliness by losing myself in that world for at least 30 minutes!
As I'm blogging right now, I'm also losing myself in the role that I've followers who actually read my posts and are eager for these updates when in actual fact... I know I was deluding myself that I've followers that follow all these projects I am working on.- There r times I ask myself y do I try so hard? Or even do all these projects? To keep myself busy over the long break?-That may be one reason but more than anything, I've come to terms that I love drawing! I love writing, blogging, DIY, etc. And with love, I do all those b'cos I love doing them! Even if there r no supporters, I'll still finish it!(cos I hate stopping halfway) (may be I shall stop deluding myself and post like normal than thinking there'll be ppl reading or something...)
From Honoka(from lovelive) or rather the song, Susume Tomorrow, "b'cos I felt the possiblility, that's it! Move forward! I don't want to have regrets"- even if there'll be no support, I'll move forward b'cos I don't want to have regrets!
It applies to many things from my school life to a simple thing like watching a movie; even if no one's gng watch the LL movie with me, I'll still watch it!-B'cos I want to watch and if I don't watch b'cos no one want to accompany me, then so be it!
Well, that was quite a ramble; guess when you're an introvert, you just have too many things bottled up(haha) That's about it. Another 4 days though that's in conflict with the current SIF events...
Maybe I do the same like how I did in my last jap trip; using gems to get the cards before I fly off?(o.o)
Oh yeah, there won't be any update next week(due to my trip) but there'll be special posts instead!(Meanwhile you can follow my updates from my IG or Twitter~)
A word of warning: if you planned to use my artwork for anything, pls ask first! Or at least credit the work!!!
This is Yaiji signing off, ja ne~
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