This post will showcase the jap magazines and books I bought~ I'll first intro the magazines before the books(manga)
Here's a overview of the magazines:
Dengeki G's Comics
Cover |
Side |
Back |
First, the Nozomi Figurine:
It was sad that the previous batch, Kotori, Maki and Nico cannot be found when I checked those 2nd hand shops...It was unfortunately(for me) that that batch came out after I knew Love Live... My collection couldn't be completed as a result(-.-)
TBH, I was able to find Maki and Nico but... It costs 3000 yen each... I'm like 'what???' Sigh...
And now, some sneak peeks:
Eli, what???!!! |
Honoka's reaction~ |
Hair down Eli! |
NozoEli~ |
Well, it's mostly this issue's school idol diary manga though-Pls buy the magazine if you want to see the full chapter~ And some news of it(randomly found out):
The next volume will be out on 26/8/15!
Dengeki G's Magazine
Magazine with the gift |
Front |
Back |
Showcasing the gift first:
Written in clear english of the warning(what if the person only understand chinese or other languages beside eng and jap 0.0) |
The gift is 3 magnets of each yr design. Its use?- Bookmark I suppose~ (Squeeze your brain juice if you've any out-of-box idea to use these 3 magnets~)
And now, some sneak peeks:
Not a bad anime-I recommend it for this season~ |
New LL Project~ Stay tune in the next issue! |
Exclusive U's VA interview~ |
ChrisXTsubasa: Kohai-Senpai pairing~ |
Can't wait for its broadcast this summer~ |
New YuYuYu project- gng closer to the truth~ |
LL Sunshine, featuring another 3 members(can't wait for their first single!!!) |
Fun Fact: her VA's bday is 23/7; same as kotori's VA~ |
If I'm not wrong, you can now vote for the center of the first single(I've yet to vote though... Have until 29/7...) with the code in the pink slip below: |
This issue's yuki yuna (chibi?) comics/manga |
Bought this month's issue cos of the info inside and didn't know you need to buy this to have the chance to vote for center of Aqours- tbh, I love to buy their single yet... My mind gt the better of me that I should at least listen first before buying and then there's the 'way' to get it as well...
Oh and the magnets seem like good bookmarks for me(I'm actually a bookworm~) though I'm worried I may dirty it or damage it...
Voice Actor & Actress Animedia
Normally I don't buy this magazine and rather this is my first time buying but! The front cover's what made me buy it:
Front(U's no VA!!!!) |
Back |
The poster that came along- had already pasted on my wall so... Sorry for the bad display... |
Not just that free poster, there are individual posters of each member as well, inside! Plus each VA's msg/interview! It's a must for die-hard LoveLivers to know, not just the anime char but the voices behind those chars!
Love Live School Idol Festival Illustration Book 2
Front |
Back |
And together~ |
Free gift- Front |
Free gift- Back |
Like the Honoka Coaster(showcase previously; pls take a look at [special post 2: anime food]), for fear of dirtying and damaging it, I placed the free gift in plastic and wrapped:
And beside that
physical free gift, there's the awaken UR Nico!
For this book, it showcases the card design until 2014 November; constellation theme with the other awaken SRs you can get from buying Eien Friend(sang by Printemps), Aki No Anata No Sora Tooku(sang by Lilywhite) and Fuyu Ga Kureta Yokan(sang by Bibi)
It's a must for SIF LLiver(esp jap users)~ Beautiful HD quality illustration of the cards inside~ The code does not end till next yr 30/6!
Yuki Yuna Wa Yusha De Aru Fanbook
Front |
Back |
It's sad but this book was sold out in many stores- I had a rat run till I found out from the Kinokuniya staff that only some outlets have and the quantity...One... Sigh...
In the end, bought this at my local Kinokuniya store instead and... It was ex(that's y I covered><)... Very ex and this is the last time I am buying such anime fanbook locally...
Some sneak peeks:(the bonus light novel chapter's illustrations~)
Notice Yuna's expression... |
This chapter was showcase in Dengeki G's magazine March 2015 issue~ |
The fanbook basically got all the illustration and char designs.(great material for fanart) Plus compilation of official art- Here's a sample:
But I think these 2 books will be better(yet it's too much for me-.-):
The above 2 images are from:
Freebies from buying magazines~
Overview |
So these freebies... I get to choose 2 from 2 categories. When I saw the 2nd yr chibi...Postcard? in first category, I immediately choose that and as for the 2nd one... Well... I feel bad(?) for choosing 2nd yr again so went for third yr(knowing my the other sibling who is also a LLiver likes Nozomi)
While choosing, I did not know... That 2nd category's...Freebies...Are for the LoveLive comics/manga(I'll explain ltr) and thus is useless for my sibling...sigh...
Never mind about that; let's showcase each freebie then~
Front |
Back~ |
Once again, I wrapped it in plastic for fear of dirt and damage to it... Not sure how to use so for now:
Act like a 'wallpaper' for my mini LL figurines~ |
Next up~
Front |
Back |
Full View |
?! |
(0.0) |
The 2 types~ |
Original edition~ |
And Movie(?) edition~ |
I think the images pretty much explains the use of the freebie but I will just explain a bit or rather summarise in one sentence- that freebie is a book cover for LL comics/manga volume 3. Not sure if you know(you got to go to the jap book section often to know), for some Jap comics/manga volumes, there r times there are different covers(a form of marketing? Image marketing?) The comics' the same but it has different covers and sometimes(or should I say most of the time)... The new cover designs come out after the original.- Die-hard fans may just buy those books despite already having one at home.
And that's what this is and luckily, the chinese translated LL comics vol. 3 was out after I came back or this cover would be useless(for the time being...)
Just realised that the cover is with the angelic angel's outfit! So, choosing third yr was right with Eli being the center for that song~
And again, Jap's trying to earn money; it's weird with one volume having special cover and that brings ppl to spend more to get the other volume covers(><)
That ends the [
Magazine] section; now's the [
Book] section~
Over view |
Got these 3 books with 2 chibi types(same author btw~) and the WIXOSS manga is something I found out and decided to buy~
Selector Infected WIXOSS Re/Verse Vol. 1
Front |
Back |
Free 2 cards(look below for the cards) |
The 2 free cards~ |
I haven't opened and see the free 2 cards.- About this, jap ppl really are...Cautious? When I bought this, the person asked me, is it alright to tear off the plastic wrapping(tbh, I wasn't sure till the person tore off the wrapping) so as to show me that the free item(the 2 cards) is inside.- I find it nice(maybe some don't) and my country don't really do that so... It was a nice confirmation in my opinion.
Additional pt: I bought this not just cos I watched WIXOSS(but did not play the game) but also cos the author's Meki Meki- knew him/her from the Nanoha doujins he/she drew and the stories are quite unique and interesting~
Yuki Yuna Is A Hero (chibi) manga vol. 1
Front |
Back |
Vividred Operation (chibi) manga vol. 1
Frankly speaking, I've not read either of the chibi manga yet(only look through...) but it's quite worth the money with the amt of content inside~ Plus I like the artist's chibi art style- that's partly y even though these 2 books weren't really in my to-buy list, I ended up buying(for that art)
And that ends the both sections, [Magazines] [Books] and now... Some extra stuff~
Found this in akihabara animate(not the main store). It was only left with Lily White(no Printemps or Bibi...) and only 3 files of it! Was too cute to resist buying~
Got this fan from Akihabara SEGA- distributed by the staff at Sega. (And then after I came back, found out there's other yrs designed fan given out as well...-.-)
How was this post? Left one more special post; an exclusive one- My trip experience; mostly about the anime part of the trip~
(Fun Fact: was quite tiring to take all these photos plus what's with me haven't read into all these magazines and books, haha~)
This is Yaiji signing off, ja ne~
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