Sunday, October 26, 2014

Tired from cycling and SIF updates~

Right now, my energy level is currently near zero, after trying to cycle for 2 and half hours straight without much rest to Changi Village which is quite a far bit from my house... This ride can't compared to me going to Pungool End which can be done in an hour or so, depending on my speed...

Took this during my journey to Pungool End!
Top: Pungool End
Bottom: Sunrise Bridge
Maybe I will just try to explore nearby area first before trying for long distances!

Some updates on my SIF:

Originally, I am so close to FC this song called Sweet & Sweet Holiday sang by Printemps.
If only those bad can change to great or prefect...
 After trying for a few times... YES, I finally FC it! BANZAI desu~

Not just this, I also managed to FC Susume Tomorrow and Shiranai Love*Oshiete Love!

Susume Tomorrow- random playing and managed to FC it!-Super happy that one song down!

Shiranai Love*Oshiete Love sang by Lily White(My fave out of the 3 since Umi is inside!) This one was slightly easier than the Sweet & Sweet Holiday.-It took less tries to FC!

However, despite all these songs being FC, there are still some I find frustrating that it is this very one good that disrupt everything!

Though it is normal mode, I still can't FC it...-.- Sigh...Going to try again when it is available in B-side!
Aside from this, my event progress is uncertain...

As it is, I only got 8000++ points!- Still 4000 away from SR Eli and the event is only left with like 5 days? Does that mean 1000 per day??? Ugh... If worse comes to worse, I shall use the gems...

Speaking of gems, I decided to do a 10+1 draws after saving for days and also from Eli's birthday gift of 5 gems.

  I had my doubts on whether to press the 'OK!' button... In the end, I did and...

I gotten one SR but it is from the new update so it isn't that bad though I was hoping for a UR or double SR or something... Seeing as that SR is the guaranteed, it means that if there wasn't any guarantee then I would have gotten all Rs...0.0

But man, this SR has a perfect lock so all my disappointment was gone since having perfect lock is most ideal situation; be it SR or UR! Anyway, welcome to the team, Maki!
Oh yeah, before I forget, for the EN server, the last expert song for this update was out. I decided to try challenging it for that 1 love gem and man, it was a hard one but I managed to survive!

Wonderful Zone Expert- Barely survived with 6 stamina...(Feeling accomplished!)
I suppose that's all then. Oh yeah, this reminds me that Rin's birthday is coming.-May or may not do something for her, depending on my school again.(><) This is Will signing off, ja ne~ 



  1. Replies
    1. R u referring to Changi Village or Punggol End? If it is Punggol End, I do cycle there for fun and exercise but for Changi Village...The distance is no joke but it is really a great workout! :)
