Hi all. It's been quite some time. Had been busy doing projects and tutorials over the week. This week is my recess week; in other words my break for this semester before school resumes next week...Time really pass fast and it is already Friday. (T.T) There are still many stuffs I like to do but I guess I got to leave it after my exams... Thus said, my plan to finish
Just A Dream may need to be on hold again(
Apparently, I'm one who really does not know my limits. I had entered a T-shirt design competition, organised by my school. Knowing myself, I'm not into design because I'm not good at it yet I went and entered this competition... The prize is attractive but not that attractive to the point I would risk myself to enter but the reason for entering was because my initial thought that nobody or not many enter when the school sent another email to ask people to join... I'm the type of person who can't bear to see something go unsupported and if it is within my abilities, I would try to support it. And that's how I end up in this situation of thinking how to design that
damm shirt... The deadline is on the 6th of October so not much time left... Well, I've an idea how to go about designing but the uncertainty of whether it looks alright is a bother to me.
I love to upload the design but doubt I can, from the regulation I read so...Will see how is it first...
Okay, the shirt design is for a particular CCA that involves giving students(especially graduating students) help in terms of financial aids, discounts, etc. I went and research on how to draw the action of giving something to someone. Normally, my research always went to the anime side and with considering my current obession...(Can u guess it?*
hint: what my recent posts had been about!)
It is in two words and both starts with L!
Drullroll pls~ It is
Yes and I based my researches on their 4th single! Below are their different act of giving!
Rin verson |
Kotori version |
Hanayo version |
Umi version (UMI!!!!) |
Eri/Eli version (Don't get embarrassed now, Eri/Eli!) |
Maki version to Nico (Oh oh? *Smirk) |
Honoka version |
I didn't get Nozomi's version... (I wonder why...) It's not that I dislike her; I just... I think it is because her version isn't that obivous? I didn't get Nico either... Here's a group photo(With all members!):
Sad to say that my current SIF account has not collected all of them yet; left Rin and Kotori plus an unidolised Nozomi...
On the topic of SIF, regarding the recent EN Rin event, I thought I wouldn't be able to get her when I was only at 8000 and the event only left like 4-3 days left... But in the end(
smirk), I still managed to get her!
Another SR added to my collection. Currently, I've about 4 SR which may be little but to me, It's a start as a 1-2 month(s) old player!
Having Rin sure is funny with her conversation...
Rin, this event is YOUR event!-You're already in the event... |
Patience, Rin plus the story is about u and Hanayo; U don't hav to see...-.- |
I wish to, Rin but...You're...Not real while I am real? Oh well, unless u r talking about your voice actor... |
Before I forget, I did my first 11 scouts and I wouldn't say it is bad cos I got 1 UR and 1 guaranteed SR!-My first time getting a UR and best of all, it is a UR UMI!!!-All hail the smile princess! The other SR is a Rin. I guess after the event, I managed to get a few Rin here and there.
UR UMI!-And Umi, if only that really works... U had no idea how hot I am feeling right now...Sigh, the life of a Singaporean... |
SR Rin- I did play with you but of a different version of you, ha ha~(Right now using the SR Rin I gotten from event as leader!) |
Beside that, I also started playing jap SIF. And man, why doesn't EN version have as many characters as Jap version... It would help a lot in collecting love gems... But I think I will only play when I'm bored... Oh yeah, Jap solo scout is not bad; I gotten SR Maki from the previous batch:
First SR in jap! |
As it is, I finally full combo(FC) Mermaid Festa vol 1 hard!-Both Jap and En but by using an iPad... That's one song down, leaving those harder songs...(-.-)
Next EN event will be Maki scorematch which I had no experience in it but apparently, it is no longer any token collection but score collection?-I'm worried I can't get Maki... I'm just an average player; can't play expert at all- Doubt I could win against others...Will see how it it...
Moving on, MA progress... Well, with Million Rare out, everyone will be frantically trying to get it and I am not exception. I used all my 70++ gacha tickets and boy am I glad to be one of the luckiest ones to get MR Nimue!
Purple border sure gives a refreshing feel! |
Though it is only one, I am already glad to have one! Best of all is that the card has 6X! Killing fairies have gotten much easy with her around!
Lastly, for my Brave Frontier which I long quit, due to the current event collaboration with deemo, I decided to try my luck to get and yes! I got the unit in my first try in level 3!
Fight with deemo!-Never expected the stun effect in her att... |
Welcome, deemo and the girl! |
The music OST friction was a great battle music, fighting deemo and the girl! Sad that the unit obtained is a guardian type but at least I got one! And that ends my return to BF... I may come back and play when my phone changes or after my exams...
That about it then. Something to add on: Lately, I had been reading love live fanfic and thought of an idea of it... It involves magic and along the line some reincarnation... As it is, I think my writing has long became rusty so I can't really continue my original story,
Dark Tale and let alone start writing a fanfic... I settle such idea as daydream time to relax my mind as imagine the story idea in my head before a new one come!
See ya in the next post then. This is Will signing off, ja ne~
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