Tuesday, October 7, 2014

WAR MAKI REPORT: Day 1 and [Just A Dream] drafts are FINALLY DONE!

So, Maki Score match begins in EN server and man, in just a day, some crazy players already have SR Maki. I guess Maki == profit is not a lie... Well, for a ftp like me, I don't spend so I would just slowly climb up the stairs and get my SR...

After the experience with Jap score match, I thought I would never/seldom get first but how wrong I was!

My first few matches:

I think currently, my strongest team is my smile team; with the addition of UR umi and SR Rin from the 11 scouts, the boost in my smile is really huge jump!

Beside that, playing with bots sure is risky! But first thing first, I had no idea there was bot until someone posted in FB love live group. Well, it's easy to spot with their names as something-student...

Lucky, the song was a smile song or I may have lost against that bot.(All hail the smile princess!!!-Haha, I think I said too much~) But look at the bot taking the second place, beating the other two players... Bot isn't meant to be underestimated...

Aside from this, the event really meant 'score match' and not 'combo match'! It doesn't matter whether u FC the songs or not; so long as your score is higher than others! But of course, FC a song will give a higher score than a non-FC song though in the end, it is the members in the team that matter much...
I FC the song but didn't get first...-.- (Oh, kinda sad for the other 2 players who either disconnected or fail the song...)

Didn't FC but gotten first>.<

FC isn't everything; it's like even if your skills are great, you may not be the best without good members...

Can't argue much but man! I actually lost in a smile match... Dang!-Maybe if I had FC the song...-_-' (Was in the match with one of friends[Only knew after the match...] and beat him/her! Haha, it was fun!)
Full Combo all out and I'm number 1!
The fun part about this event is that I can play songs that I do not have yet; like START:Dash! But Jap one will be more fun with more songs in the server. And, I feel that this type of event only select a few songs for players to play with.-I had been playing the same few songs since yesterday...In other words, if the songs selected are what the players are good at then, it will be a huge advantage! Well, I'm just an average player, playing for fun, trying my best to FC songs if possible!

Well, that concludes the day 1 report of the 'who will be the master of Maid Maki' war. I'm still far from my goal...However, I'll slowly but surely get her! Let day 2 commences!

And so, leaving that war report for now, I had finally finish the drafts of Just A Dream! Initially, I wanted to leave it for today but in the end, I just sacrifice a little of my sleep to finish it!(Slept at 0100++...) This is one of the largest projects I ever did!-A total of 40 pages, excluding the character designs and cover page! 'Oh gosh!' was what I thought after counting the number of pages! I guess I just draw unknowingly of the number pages I had done.(Haha~)

The drafts... 44 to be exact with the addition of cover page and 3 character designs...
These many pages just mean more work to do after my exams... No idea if I can finish(Cross fingers~) The story is decent and I go with a slightly happy ending cliffhanger though the ending should be quite obvious; SPOILERS: everyone live(whether is it happily after...Well that depends...) Judging from the amount of work I have on hand, I may or may not do a sequel...or a prequel on their back stories...

This manga project was initially for me to try out some stuff like drawing a 2-pages long scene which if I can, will avoid it... And then, I also used tracing paper which wasn't that hard and saved a lot of time to re-draw the same scene with a slight change like facial expression. In any way, I managed to achieve my objective; now is to complete it.(Sigh~)

That's pretty much all. I will start to get inactive until my exams are over unless I feel like blogging again to pen my thoughts! This is Will signing off, ja ne~


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