Wednesday, August 13, 2014

University-The life of Choice... Ramblings of a certain lost student...

When you don't have a choice, you complain the lack of choices...

And when you've the ability to choose, you complain the difficulty of choosing...

Uncertainty is really a fearsome thing; I can't decide because the uncertainty of whether I can or cannot do well for that course keep haunting me...

I keep thinking, 'Is this course easy?' 'Will I be able to score a decent grade?' 'Will this course affect my core courses?'

As of now, I just dropped one course that I registered as back-up, leaving the one without a final exam...

BUT! There is group project and I sucks at that... It's not like I can't do it but rather I'm bad at communicating with people.(Sigh~The life of an introvert...)

However, this is one course that I read from the reviews that isn't too hard; it is manageable...

Seen the course schedule and it is quite slack if u ask me...

After much thinking with one course still in waiting list which I think it is a gone case, I say, "Screw this! Just take the damm course and focus on it!"

If I keep thinking that I can change, I will get no where! It's true that there is uncertainty of whether I can do well for the course but if I don't decide and keep being fickle-minded... I will get no where!- I need to settle down!

Final Decision: Accept the damm course and work hard for it!

And that is all of the ramblings of a certain lost student... Now for some updates... The one-shot manga, Just A Dream, isn't progressing well with school's starting and everything.(Sigh~) I'll try to finish the drafts as soon as possible but the progress is slow so... I guess if worse comes to worst that I can't cope with my studies... Project will have to be on hold till my exams are over... And if that scenario comes into place, then I guess the project will only be completed in December- during my school break.

That's all then. This is Will signing off, ja ne~


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