Saturday, January 11, 2014


Regrets... I'm sure everyone has at least one in life and I am no exception. Regrets are matters that we fail to do right(in our opinion) in that particular situation and in that particular moment or time. These regrets tend to haunt us back in some point in time, reminding us of the failures we had that we wished so badly that we could rewind back time to set them right; they eat us up and make us bitter people yet at the same time it also makes one a better person by not making the same mistake(assuming the person really learned his/her mistake...).

 Life is full of choices and a choice has no straight right or wrong; all choices have their pros and cons. And, this is where one has the duty to choose the choice they think is right or the most sensible in their opinions. As the saying goes, it is the moment of decision that shapes one's destiny. Considering one can never go back but move forward, every choices made could easily affect how our future routes will be and the choices that we felt we made wrong due to a moment of impulse, lead to regrets that in turn eat us up.In a way, it is vicious cycle once a person made a wrong choice...
I've many regrets due to the wrong choices I made along the way and when I look back and think about them, it kinda made me feel all stupid, frustrated, annoyed, sad, depressed, angry of what me at that time had done...Sigh... It sucks to think back yet these are all part of my past memories that I've accumulated over the years. Given a choice to forget them all to save the sufferings, will I make this choice? I doubt so since such a choice is just a form of escape; it does not resolve the problem that I feel regretful of the wrong choices I made along the way.

One may feel regretful of the things he/she did and the choices he/she made yet at the same time, this is a part of growing up to weight the options available before making a choice and be proud of it; make the choice with no regrets of whatever so as we never know what the future holds!

Okay, that's was a random thought I've on regrets while I was thinking back during my ride to my relative house. This is just a small post to pen some thoughts. Next post will be the updates.


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