Then again, it's an art community- it's kinda like a 'buffet' for art thief... I suppose doodles/photos of works will be available as it is; can be easily downloaded if ppl wan to(but if u r gonna use, repost or do anything to it, it's only polite to let me know even after putting the credits- don't wan to hav a 'heart attack' upon finding out...*Thought back to the fb matter...*)
So, I'm nt leaving DA!- No idea who will(or will there even hav ppl) reading this; it's just a reply/response to the previous post & to set thing right(Did ramble a bit in twitter...^^;)
And now with that settled, back to the usual~
It's the 2nd last week of June and time really flies! My summer vacation's ending in ard 1 mth time & it really felt so... Fast! Had been drawing a lot in this break or rather this is like my only time I can draw with ease & often!
Tbh, this break should have been the time to find a temporary job and earn some money but I just wan to rest before school starts(again-.-) And anyway, it's work till death after graduation so y not enjoy while it lasts?
I digress a bit but I never really understand how boring holidays can be for ppl when my friends complained that they hav nothing to keep them occupied & thus get a job to do the job...
Maybe it's my love for art- my daily routine is just: draw, rest, draw, rest, draw before ending the day...Adding a few other activities like gunpla building(still gt 2 backlogs...), playing my DS or just simply going for a ride on my bike~ Such is my life but it's a carefree one:)
However there r times I feel kinda... Dead...? It's just a repetition of drawing, drawing and more drawings to the pt I had no idea how many hav I done until now...
And I can say I kinda push myself a lot- may hav been even more busy than I am in sch...I really hav no love for myself, haha...
Think I had said enough; time for the updates!
Tbh, this break should have been the time to find a temporary job and earn some money but I just wan to rest before school starts(again-.-) And anyway, it's work till death after graduation so y not enjoy while it lasts?
I digress a bit but I never really understand how boring holidays can be for ppl when my friends complained that they hav nothing to keep them occupied & thus get a job to do the job...
Maybe it's my love for art- my daily routine is just: draw, rest, draw, rest, draw before ending the day...Adding a few other activities like gunpla building(still gt 2 backlogs...), playing my DS or just simply going for a ride on my bike~ Such is my life but it's a carefree one:)
However there r times I feel kinda... Dead...? It's just a repetition of drawing, drawing and more drawings to the pt I had no idea how many hav I done until now...
And I can say I kinda push myself a lot- may hav been even more busy than I am in sch...I really hav no love for myself, haha...
Think I had said enough; time for the updates!
Random LL doodles
Somehow, I managed to finish up the shaded & colour ver of the Nozoeli arc of both Eli & Nozomi sides this week & just yesterday, added the dialogue!(the scans came in early so~)
First the shaded ver:
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^Mentioned before, I won't be uploading the colour ver till the fanbk's done- Right now this partial blur will serve as a sneak preview~
Talking abt the fanbk, a great(?) news: compiled the present works & wow, there r currently a total of 27 pages! And there r many more coming!- One more manga to put a closure for this mini series & thinking of doing doodles of NozoEli casual outfits(as seen in Nozomi POV)
Also, may add a few more scenes of the other pairings(had been focusing too much on my fave trio and the glass garden pair...)
RWBY possible proj
This is just an idea but I like to see ppl responses toward it!
There's this RWBY work which I finished abt a week ago(you can see HERE) & I'm thinking of opening up pre-order for the artwork to be printed into shirts(judging from the amt of faves...)
I had already make one for myself:
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Me wearing it- cos it's taken from a mirror; the artwork is mirror-imaged... |
It's nt gonna be cheap; ard $30+ per shirt(haven't asked how much will it be if it's in bulk order...) But anyway, it's just an idea; may/may not carry it out!-Just wan to see the responses before deciding^^;
^Welcomed to comment here or at my DA acc(created a journal post of it; LINK)
Aqours Anime countdown
Started this mini proj abt 4 days ago which was 9 days before the anime debut(2/7)!
And the progress so far:
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9.Ruby | 8.Mari | 7.Hanamaru |
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6.Yoshi-Yohane~ |
And for tmr(haven't uploaded anywhere yet~)
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5. You~ |
Abt this proj, (it was after done with Yohane's art) I was very tempted to abort this project... The more I draw, the more I felt the characters aren't looking like how they should be(they r becoming more manly or just plain OOC...-.-) And to add to it, I suppose the likes gotten were so low that I felt it reflected how I feel abt the art... But I dislike giving up halfway & nt sure what, why, how, the likes gotten for Yohane kinda pumped me up a bit:
But the one that reignites my motivation was this:
^Really surprised by the likes & the comment(in yellow) made it even better(was even honoured to be commented by this sensei- saw his/her art & really wish I can reach that level~)
And so, I continued(the You art) & decided to see to it to its end! Another 5 more days!!! Can't wait for it!!!
*PS: take note of the pattern that will comes as more r out~(Should be easy to spot:)
Request @deviantart
Just this week, (finally) finish one of 2 last requests!!! This particular request really took quite a while with edits here and there- it's also the same one I rambled over 2 posts(now that I think abt it- kinda felt bad now...-.-)
I admit the process really was... But it was an experience I'll never forget; made me realised both how I'm not cut out for requests & that drawing diving gears isn't as hard as I thought it would be~
After talking things out, finally uploaded the work- see HERE
While the requesters prefer that, I prefer this:
^For someone who is bad at backgnd, to be able to kinda get the underwater effect, I think it's considered nt bad? And the bubbles too~
The rocks were fun to draw(& shade)- needed to do a bit of research^^;
As for the last request, already done with draft. Hopefully able to finish before June ended...o.o
Pretty much that is all.(The post has gotten long thanks to the ramble at the top...)
Just another 5 more days before the anime debut but before that, gt a war to fight on this coming Wednesday!- Nid to wake up slightly earlier for it... Wish me luck~
This is Yaiji signing off. Until next time, ja ne~
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