School started for me and well... Let's say it didn't start with a good note...
First day(ramblings; skip if you dislike)
On my first day, I missed my school's shuttle bus because of timing change and got to take the morning trains(which is a horror I want to avoid, hence taking the shuttle bus...). That pretty much is the start of a lot of incidents I got...
First, on my way to take the train, there was a lady, already inside the station and asking for help to get the morning paper. I being I, decided to help but never thought you gt to queue for the paper... And ended up, getting scolded for not but still gt to take the paper(after queuing...) That kinda put my mood to even more bitter from not just losing the shuttle bus but also getting scolded...
Next, gt to withstand the crowded trains. And, I was never good with crowd; with how ppl are rushing, I who move at my pace sometimes may have offended ppl....Sigh...
After enduring the 1 and half hour train ride(while standing), I finally got to seat in my school bus to the school. Thought my bad day would end there but no!- The following one is the worst out of all...
I decided to print my notes in school, together with my friend. As this is my first time printing, with my friend who have experiences in it, I thought I would be able to do it with ease but how wrong I was... I managed to print but... Don't know y... What or should I say How my notes were printed was not how I anticipated; my notes were printed in single sided...
When I realised it at the first paper printed, I got a shock yet can't stop it. Can't help regret over the cost and most of all... The amount of paper I used(sorry trees...)
That literally put my mood down to negative on that day... And that stack of papers... Just seeing it made me go crazy... Sigh...
From there, you thought my bad ended would or should have ended but no!-Again... It was during my way home... Not sure if I'm wrong but I guess I tapped the wrong gate to enter the station and thus, causing the opposing person not able to enter and even confused him... Can't help feel embarrassed over it- Just how clumsy can I be?!!
Then again, I'm not sure if the gate I tried to enter was the handicapped gate which is a bi-directional one and that I can't enter b'cos my card has insufficient values, and maybe the gate just switched to the other side for the person whose card has value?-sry if it was hard to understand(><)
And that was my 'fantastic' first day in school as a yr 2...Sigh... But after that, it was alright for the rest of the week! Guess it could be due to my lack of sleep(much from bad holiday sleeping late habit...)
LL Request
Back in a few posts, I mentioned how I got my first art request and finally I'm done!
Well, tbh, I don't feel it's good.- Cos of how I draw the members in the first place... It's my first drawing them in sunny day song outfits- it was a good experience!
But in the end, the person who requested liked it so I've no complaints over it(I guess?) but I suppose I feel that I can do it better!- I shall try again; maybe during my break?
You can see this version in my deviantart and the other versions(+ this) in my Pixiv!-The other versions include the non-coloured, only non-coloured background and this without the words~
EOY was held from 15/8 to 16/8. EOY stands for End Of Year(not sure why though). It is like an anime event where doujins and other anime stuffs are sold. There are some performances as well. It is held in an open-area but thanks the weather wasn't that bad when I went in the afternoon on the first day.
Like any other EOY, there isn't much to keep me there so I guess I finished walking after like 30-40 minutes? But I did buy some stuff:
Here's some photos took there:
EDIT: oh yeah, not sure whether it was here or on my way home, I lost my keychain that was hung on my bag...(Goodbye to my precure keychain...) Sigh...
LL X Puccho Candy
This is like a collaboration between love live and Puccho candy company. In jap, heard that it was sold at 257(if I didn't rmb wrongly) yen but at my local store, it was sold at $5... But I guess it's considered lucky that this was available locally(so I should be thankful despite the price difference)
Initally, I was just going to buy 1 or 2, hoping to get my 2 fave; Umi and Honoka. But ended up, I gt Maki and Nozomi on the first try(-.-) Sigh... Feeling slight unsatisfactory, I went to buy another 4 more- Managed to get Honoka but... No Umi!!! Sigh... Seeing how much I spent, I decided to stop yet couldn't resist much plus since I already bought that many, might as well try buy all 9...
In the end... I bought 9... And... It was unfortunate that... I didn't manage to complete the set; failed to get Eli(T.T) I got an extra Nico...
All (except Eli) siting together- remind me of the New Year Parade 2013 when Eli VA wasn't around... |
And placed them with my other mini LL- still waiting for 2nd vol to be available locally! |
Right now, I'm hoping there's someone willing to trade Eli for Nico...Feel incomplete without Eli(-.-)
FYI: it isn't easy to make the mini figurine seat; they keep falling off due to the weight ratio of the head and body; esp Hanayo- she can't be seated! Hence, got to use a little blue tacks to do the trick(>8<)
That's pretty much my week worth of updates. I know I said the last post was my last weekly update but guess I meant to say there won't necessary be an update unless I gt time to do(like now) As school's just starting, my workload is not that bad yet so yes, I can still update but later... I may not unless I need to pen down and update may be irregular.
Talking about workload, having a little struggle but not too bad and slowly progress(I guess) yet who knows? It's just the first week~
JAD Reddit
It would appear I won't be able to finish colouring the cover of chapter 1 so leaving that either on my school break or recess week.- depends much on my workload...
This is Yaiji signing off, ja ne~