Saturday, April 11, 2015

Failures for the week, Wip and Sif updates

This week really sucks a lot... Full of failures everywhere... First with the tests I did on Monday(mentioned on last post) and then had a mock jap listening test on Thursday which I could barely understand which had me worry for the real one on next Monday... And today, my last lab session... I managed to finish soldering the components on the PCB board but... Couldn't get the right results and that's what I fear while I was doing the board... I know definitely it would fail at the first time and need troubleshoot. However, 'what went wrong?' is the question that is the hardest to figure. And cos I finish barely on time, most of the lab assistants had already left so if I could figure out myself, that would be ideal. Unfortuately, life isn't a fantasy; what I can't do, I can't do- there's no way I could figure out the problem; I'm not good with complicated thing so yeah...

Complicated as in what way, huh? Well...

That's what I mean by complicated... It's hard to troubleshoot unless you're used to dealing with these... Just seeing the holes already grave me a headache. What's worse is that the smoke from soldering is really not helping.(Burnt plastic is the worse; I think I would have died if I was enclosed with that smoke.)
I think what makes this lab session worse than before is cos most of my classmates under the same lab group, succeeded in getting the right results plus the fact that the classmate under the same bench as me had long finished when I just came for lab. And trouble shooting with the teacher while I am working on mine, gave me pressure and stress... And that could be a cause of why I kept sweating and rushing to the point I made many mistakes as compared to before...

Basically, the week sucks and it made me rethink why did I take engineering in the first place... I mean I still rmb why but seeing so many failures in a week... My confidence level really dropped; I worry about my future in the other years... Sigh~  
Again, it could be b'cos the time I spent sleeping... Had been sleeping late to the point I feel drained just to go to school(as I've to wake up early) plus the fact that it's harder for me to gasp the things taught in both lectures and tutorials... In addition, I feel overly frustrated at myself sometimes... Guess I should start sleeping early...(Today will be the only exception) It's going to be hard but had to really change or my grades are the ones suffering.

Well, that's my ramblings for the week(just realised I posted twice) and I really need to pen down these feelings of disappointment in myself... A little WIP to share:

A fanart in relation to the adaption of MGLN Vivid! If you haven't realised, I based the art on this screenshot:

When I first saw the screenshot, immediately I told myself, 'I want to draw this scene'.- It packs a lot of feels in my opinion, especially with the song.

I will be colouring it and should be done by next week but again, it depends on my work load... Also, there're still a few scenes I like to draw on so maybe putting all fanart in one folder.

Talking about fanart, I finished the wip shown on last post. Will be posting on her birthday~

Oh yeah, SIF:

A love gem given in relation to the movie, coming in June! While it's nice to have love gem, this just make staying at tier 1 for Umi scorematch harder. For the first time, I've spent quite a number of love gems to keep myself in the rank. I mean tier 2 is the minimum but when the rank is so close to tier 1, I can't help want to maintain and for once get into tier 1.- It will be an accomplishment.
Also, if I managed to stay in tier 1 for jap then eng is nothing compared to jap plus I did my research. From how I spent my gems in jap in order to stay in tier 2(since this is my first time), I can say for sure I will get into tier 1 easily in eng server and that will be my target for the next Umi scorematch in eng; it's payback from the previous one!

And so, thank you for sticking with me until now. This is Will signing off, ja ne~


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