Without much to say, here's the chapter review! Enjoy!
Fate's kawai smile!- I think I just melt from seeing this!(Insert fan girls' screams...) Glad to see Fate smiling more and even brighter in this AU! |
I've a feeling that Alicia is coming up with something...Just realised this is Alicia being seen in her uniform(?) |
Yunno in his Ferret form!- Seems like in this AU, animals can talk even though magic does not exist in real world... |
The arrival of the...Chibi gang! Chivi and Chibi Yuri flying in front with Petit lord behind! (So Kawai!) |
'Mission accomplished! Ferret Yunno captured completed!' |
Introducing Yuri with Steyn the cat! |
The chibi gang sure is cute! Haha poor Yunno! |
Next comes Linith! Not in her familiar form which I prefer more! |
Moving on, we have Precia and Fate bonding time! Wish this Precia was in the original storyline! |
If only Precia was this caring in the original story then she wouldn't have so many haters...Though my hate for her grew to sympathy after watching MGLN Movie First... |
Nice PreciaXFate bonding time before the 'husband' Lindy comes to get Precia for something...PreciaXLindy! Though wonder where is Chrono...Not going to appear? |
Back to some disscussion...Look closely at Fate and Alicia at this picture... |
And at this picture too... |
It would seem that Fate and Alicia are wearing the same outfit but in different colours! Twins are really just amazing alike in so many ways! A bit of NanoFate moment... |
Overall, this chapter should be about coming up with a team name for something(a competition or a tournament?) since the title is 'team name'. Some intro to characters like Yuri, the chibi gang... The best part is the PreciaXFate Mother and Daughter bonding time!-Wish this actually happen in the original story though if the story wouldn't come into play...
Note to all readers: the pictures posted are not the full chapter since I mentioned previously that I'll only upload those significant
(in my opinion) parts so if you think the pictures are not in order, it is not an error because I didn't upload them...Also, if any of my comments posted sounded wrong or anything, it is cos I can't read japanese; I'm commenting based on the pictures...
With that, this is the end of the 2-parts special! Hope all like it! Till then, ciao~
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