As promised, this is part 1 of the 2-parts special! Enjoy!
Chapter cover, featuring Einhart and Seiglinde together (I think this is another possible pairing though I support VivioXEinhart more...) |
Fight between Lutecia and Fabia starts though it is kind of one-sided...(Lutecia's smile sure is creepy-Mental note: never mess with Lutecia cos...) |
She'll bash you and before you knew it... |
It's over with Fabia being binded up...Didn't know Lutecia ia this strong! She didn't even put on her barrier jacket... |
We move on to see the situation with Victoria and Corona plus the other captured girls...Seems like the attack by Luctecia on Fabia, had somewhat stopped those black mob attacks...However, that is far from over... |
Because at this time, if you let your guard down... |
You would get caught in those explosion...Hope Victoria and Corona plus the other captured girls are fine... |
Seems like Fabia has an adult mode too...(I think this 'adult mode' thing is kind of the new trend in this manga... So far, we've Vivio, Einhart, Rio with that mode and now...Fabia too?!!! Though I must say, there's not much change in her look except her overgrown chest...) |
Lutercia in a pinch!!! Is this the end? |
Fear not, Einhart to the rescue! Like a knight in shining armour! |
From the back, "this is the payback for making me naked!" |
"Take this! FALCON PUNCH!" |
Here we see Seig, still in child form...Not sure if this Fabia's spell or she like the others, have that 'adult mode' thing... |
Feeling not so good for both Sieg and Fabia though Fabia looks weird cos... |
I'm sure she was going to faint but somehow found the energy to 'stand' up again and fight... Though the odds are two; Vivio and Einhart against one; Fabia... |
To sum up, this chapter showcased Lutercia's magical combat skills and introduction to Fabia's adult mode...Though I can't help but stressed that fights in a library is a BIG NO NO! Look at all the books being destroyed in the process of those fights...Hope this magical library has some back-up or magic that could undo all damages done to those poor books... Wonder if Yunno will get upset when he sees this... Hope Hayate and Nove come soon to help since Fabia's mob and herself are proving to be a little problem to the girls...What is the fate of those girls?-Find out in the next chapter!(Though I may not be uploading...)
Note to all readers: the pictures posted are not the full chapter since I mentioned previously that I'll only upload those significant
(in my opinion) parts so if you think the pictures are not in order, it is not an error because I didn't upload them...Also, if any of my comments posted sounded wrong or anything, it is cos I can't read japanese; I'm commenting based on the pictures...
With that, this is the end of the first part! Look forward to the next part that I'll be uploading soon! Till then, ciao~
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