No idea how to start but... I MADE IT!
Think I mentioned quite a few times in my previous posts of my thoughts and feelings that I'm finally a graduate!- However, this very day just makes it, the official one!
Although it was just a few seconds of glory, it sure was nerve-wrecking on stage(I was busy trying to wipe my cold sweat before my turn...)
Plus I wasn't used to wearing the formal-type of shoes so the few seconds felt much longer as I tried to walk to the presenter to get my certificate and down the stage...
The professors and guests sitting on stage do not help much with the nervousness even tho it's an honour(and they remind me of harry potter professors, lol- techically the gown my schoolmates and I were wearing were like harry potter's too but heavier...)
Think I look better without the motar board... And got the harry potter feel~ |
All in all, it was an honourable event to be. It was also refreshing since the last time I got to wear a graduation gown and be on stage to get my certificate was back in my preschool...
In addition, this was also my parents' first time attending an University convocation and I'm glad I get to be the one whom gave them the opportunity to~
After the ceremony, it was like coming out from the arrival hall of an airport; there were tons of people outside, waiting for their friends and family to come out of the ceremony hall.
I was quite surprised by the appearance of my relatives coming but glad that they came. My best friend also came!
And, the bears and flowers given were many that my hands couldn't hold them all(haha)
Love the bear wearing the glasses a lot~ |
That said, work's starting tmr...
I feel conflicted; like I'm supposed to be glad that I found a job and I'm starting work soon but the thought of less freedom... Sux... And for now, 'for the money' is the motivation I will take(until I can get a much clearer image of how my working life will be...)
Maybe cos the idea of working sux, time seems to move fast for me when I'm back from trip- it was like I was just spending my time packing and drawing, and before I knew it, a day passed...(Even now, as I'm blogging now, I'm shocked that it's already late afternoon...)
There are still so many things I want to do before work starts, such as packing my table, blogging about my trip(which I think I will try do during next week's holiday), etc.
It was like time was running out for me(even though it's just another stage of my life starting... Not sure if I felt this strongly when I was starting University:/)
Regardless, just have to see how tomorrow and the days beyond will fare... Btw, I'm the type that tend to worry too much before something new... People tell me to relax which can be both great and bad advice...
Moving on, some art updates:
I've finished ChikaRiko 30 days challenge last week and scanned them. However, the works are quite faint as they are mostly pencil works so I will be doing some light adjustment before uploading them; my twitter moment has a compilation of this series but the artworks aren't the final ones...
Next, the August LL babies... I've already done Honoka's(wips r in my insta) but Chika... Had no idea what to draw; there are so many I can think of drawing, like the recent GBF's or Miracle Wave... Or should I go for manga type(but I doubt I have the time...)
Thinking of getting at least the draft out so that I can try finish tmr(*keyword: try)
And, I pre-ordered Chika's bday set but dk if I can get it tmr- still hoping for the (good)news from the seller/distributer...
Guess this is all from me. Updates may be irregular; it depends really on my work...
This is Yaiji signing off(listening to Thank You Friends by Aqours while blogging~)
PS: Ending with a selfie taken with Riko(and I've compiled all pic taken so far with Riko in my insta, under
Adventure & future pic will also be in that compilation~)

Tempted to bring her along but glad I didn't^^;
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