Sunday, August 12, 2018

[Updates] An week into work life...

It's been (more than) a week since I started work and it felt like I'm doing a fyp all over again...

It wasn't surprising since it's a research based job but the thought of returning to that hell life kinda turned me off a little...
However, as the topic I am working on is a field I want to enter, there is some merit in doing this job.

In addition, my colleagues in my department are kinda of friendly(?) so I supposed it's not too bad...

But maybe the transition from school life to work life is quite a big jump(for me) that it is gonna take a while to get used to... Somehow, the thought of going back to work after the weekends sux... And this reduced freedom is hard to adapt to:/

Ok, think I'm whining too much and it's only a week; gng be staying for at least 2 years so got to adapt to this reality or these 2 years will be a hard journey to go...

'View' outside; taken from my workplace(hate the circles...)

Moving on, art updates:

Uploaded [ChikaRiko 30-days challenge] works onto pixiv. Will be uploading the works onto deviantart & insta, starting from 15/8;)

Next, I'm thinking of doing a YohaRiko 30-days challenge but problem is if I can stay committed...(Maybe I will do that for this yr's Inktober...? Actually, already thought of a theme for day 1 while thinking of this idea...)

Lastly, Honoka and Chika Bday artworks are uploaded on both insta and deviantart; Pixiv wise, will be uploading as a compilation with other works from March to August:)

That is all then; likely to blog about my jap trip soon(considering the amt of holidays in the following weeks to come...)

Until next time, this is Yaiji signing off~


PS: Finally it came(this Friday) :

Wasn't able to get in time for her birthday but still thankful to be able to get much earlier than the expected date~

And, I'm currently wearing the shirt(>^<)

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