Wednesday, July 11, 2018

[Updates] Trouble sleeping- Excitement? Anxiety?(A day before trip~)

Here's my last update before my trip~

Recently, I had been having bad sleeping 'habits'...

I've always been a night owl so I tend to sleep late and that's normal(at least for me; though I'm trying to sleep early so that I can adjust to working lifestyle...)

And naturally, you would wake up late cos you slept late...

However, lately, I had been sleeping late and waking up early, and resulting in me getting insufficent rest...

I do not know if it's cos of excitment or nervousness for the trip but I feel it's the latter...

Though it's gng be awesome knowing you're gng visit LLSS homeland(again), there's this... Fear(?) that things won't go smooth...

The goal/target of this trip is to collect all stamps. While planning was done to visit which area first and on which day, there is this... Anxiety that what if it don't work out as planned...

Maybe it's also cos of the trauma from last trip(where things were a mess despite reaching the goal...)

In addition, the recent weather in Japan wasn't good and this is one factor to consider as well...

Somehow, it's kinda funny that a trip is supposed to be enjoyable!

But I'm making it like some assignment and putting pressure on myself when I should be having fun there & not worrying here and there^^;

It's as my friend said, "it'll be fine" and yes, if I don't think it'll be fine then it won't... 

I mean if you don't believe in yourself, then you won't believe you can do it(even if others do believe in you...)

Okay, that was just my pathetic low self-esteem talking... 

And I feel that maybe it's not just the trip that I'm worrying about; there's also my first job that I'm starting soon... 

Think I mentioned in previous post, I'm worried I can't meet the expectations... 

Lazing around for the past few days made me feel that I'm being too relaxed and that I should be doing something to prepare for my job!- But what? I'm tempted to go brush up my programming skills again but not sure what languages will my job require...

There's also the fact that this is the last time I can be this relaxed; once start work, it's a 5-days per week routine of waking early for work, go home in the evening to rest before the cycle continues till the weekends for a break and resumes on Monday...

^Just thinking of such a life makes it boring and mundane(which is what I kinda experienced during my internship but minus the boring part for certain days...)

However, the need for $$$ makes this life worth to go for it... I guess?(actually that's a very sad way of looking at life but for now, there's how it is...)

Moving on, small update on my own personal work:

ChikaRiko 30-days challenge is still on-going and yesterday was the 25th day!(YAY) And I made a 2-parts special(due to bad planning and lack of inspiration)

Mentioned before, I will continue it while I'm on my trip- I mean it's kinda of the pt since I'm excited to draw some LLSS places with ChikaRiko~(I just hope I've the energy and time to, tho^^;)

Think I will do a shikishi for Yoshiko/Yohane bday- bought the boards from Daiso(to draw something for my friend's bday) and well, it comes with 3 in one packet^^

And that is all from me! 

See ya in about a week time! 

This is Yaiji signing off!


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