I know it is a 'little' late but I have a good reason for it! I think I've been a bit too naive into putting my hope on the scanner to do the job of making softcopies of my manga... Apparently, the scanned images didn't meet up to my expectations despite it being put up to high quality. (Sigh) In the end, I decide to take photos of the manga instead. The manga will be presented as it is but the quality is not that great; the words are the concern...
However, worry not. I've checked very pages. The quality maybe low, the words are readable! As mentioned, the manga is 20 pages long. In addition to the 20 pages, there is a cover page, 2 design notes plus 1 fanart made by yours truly.
Without further ado, here it is!
Coloured cover page; the MC's clothing is pretty much a spoiler.... |
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Design Notes- Gabriel |
Design Notes- Karl, Tilith, the 4 starters and slimes |
Fanart- Completed it yesterday! |
Sad to say, my entry to the BF comics contest didn't manage to win...(Sigh) No matter, I was already planning to make this manga and you can say the contest itself push this project forward. I had fun making it though it was a little rush due to the deadline... The best thing about making a fan manga is the chance to draw the characters from the existing game, anime, manga or book which help to broaden way of drawing. Characters like Karl and Tilith were nice to draw and surprisingly, Karl proved to be harder to draw than Tilith when I know myself that I suck at drawing females than males. The slimes were much easier to draw than I expected.
The name of MC; Why Gabriel?
-I don't know but I trust the web when I searched for names that symbolize Justice. Gabriel is one of the names so I kinda chose that name.
Why Justice?
Well, you could say the name is link to MC choosing Eze. (Eze is the starter I chose and right now, he's a Thunder God! Proud
of his progress! When I've the means, I'll evolve him to holy thunder!)
[See the description of Eze in the page 6 of the manga if you don't get the choice of Eze by MC.]
The planned story
This is what I've mind while I was making this manga and you can say it may have its plot holes as it concerns largely on Tilith's life before she is a goddess. The story is as the story you see in the game itself but with some elements of past put in. If you've seen the fan art, you would get what I am trying to convey.
-Gabriel and Tilith are childhood friends.
-Tilith passed away when she was very young.
-In order to cope with the loss, Gabriel sealed his memories of Tilith, leaving a strong determination to be strong and have the strength to protect.
-Thus, he went to train to be part of the summoner squad.
-Karl happens to be Gabriel's senior in the squad.
-At some point of the story, the truth is out; the Goddess Tilith who is Gabriel's 'guide' is the same childhood friend, Tilith.
Some additional notes:
-The scarf given by Tilith acted as an important item he will not lose at all though he has long forgotten why he feels that way...
-The scar on Gabriel's face was gotten from young when he was protecting Tilith from some wild wolves before help arrived.
-Tilith always worn the flower hairband and consider it important because at one occasion, Gabriel complemented her that the hairband looks great on her.
In a way, I 'ship' the player with Tilith. At first, I find that Seria seems like a better female character than Tilith; at least she can fight while Tilith seems to be too talkative. It was not until at the third map in Mistral that I realised Tilith isn't all that bad. She protected the player from some curse by the God Maxwell and suffer instead. I find her sacrifice typical yet such sacrifice is exactly what I like. It is an act that is done out of selfishness without caring whether it is being known or not; as long as the protected is safe but was found out later on. Even if I say I ship them, it is kinda impossible when one is dead and the other is alive...
I think this storyline is largely influenced by Nisekoi where I pity the promised girl who is waiting for Raku to find her yet Raku has forgotten who she is...(Hoping it is Chitoge!^.^)
And that's quite a long artist's note but necessary to bring out my thoughts. With that, I'll end off now. Have to work tomorrow. (Sigh...)
{The manga is being uploaded to Deviantart. There is a slight problem with Pixiv so need some time to see what's the problem before it can be uploaded. }
This is Will signing off, ja ne~