Greetings! Today's post will be a picture oriented so this could be a change of way of writing! Recently, my aunt just returned from Japan. My requests of japanese magazines were somewhat met and today, I will be posting some scans! This will be a 2-parts special post with the first being introduction to the magazines and some trival stuff. Second post will be on the scans on various animes...(Animes that I somewhat know...)
First magazine:
Animedia April 2013 issue
Front cover of Animedia april 2013 |
Back cover of Animedia april 2013 |
A Magi Diary along with the magazine! |
Inside of the Magi Dairy! |
Back cover of the Magi Diary |
Wallpaper Calender along with the magazine too!(No idea what anime this is but the art looks a lot like K-On...) |
Second magazine:
Tales of Magazine April 2013
Front cover of Tales of Magazine April 2013, featuring Shing Meteoryte and Kohak Hearts from TOH! |
Back cover of Tales of Magazine April 2013 |
Third Magazine: Animage
Front cover of Animage, featuring all precure leaders! Celebrating precure 10th anniversity! |
One of the 4 mouse pads, along with the magazine! Featuring casts of smile precure in princess form! |
Another mouse pad, showing cure blossom and cure marine from HCPC!
Beside the magazines, my aunt also bought a souvenir for me! A mini sword!-kind of cool and great for my gundam to wield!

Before I end off, remember my previous post(if u have read it...), my digimon, a greymon, was my current one but... A few days ago... When I woke up and checked my digimon... Don't know what happened but I got a shock to see my digimon turned into an egg again... 'Did it died?' The only thing I thought of when I saw this truth... With no other choice, I decided to raise another digimon again and... Wow! This digimon was one of the cutest yet still quite mean-looking! It is called Dodomon! (Search through google if you want to know more!) I think I will be using it as the partner of my OC for my digimon fanfic! Right now, after some time, I managed to get it evolve to rookie stage! Its name now is called Dorumon! Can't wait for its champion stage and this is where the real challenge comes in; to make it to untimate stage! Oh yeah! Before I forgot, recently I tried scanning QR code to do battle with other digimons! At first, I had my doubts and tried on a random one... It turns out there is actually a digimon inside! The receipt of the japanese magazines just so happened, have QR codes behind!

Wonder what digimons are inside! I'm excited to find out once my digimon gets to its champion stage!
Dark~ (Stay till the next part!)
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