First, hi to all! I'll be doing a three parts special! That means there will be three posts in one go and then my blogging activity should stop soon as I am going focus most of my time on my studies! (I even stopped reading manga now...To some, this is nothing but just take it as me, giving up my source of enterainment...) Well then, without further a do, let's start with a quick preview of this 3-parts special!
PART 1: Stuff bought from Japan!
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Vivid Chapter 49 Review
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Innocent Chapter 7 Review
Today, my sister just came back from Japan! As I requested, the stuff were bought! Being overly excited, I was like a kid, unwrapping my presents during Christmas... Here are the stuff I requested!
First of all:
Fate Figurine MGLN Movie First edition
Front cover of the box |
Side cover... |
Back cover, featuring Fate together with Nanoha! |
After fixing the parts...Ta da! It's done! (sad that the parts fixed cannot be moved...)
Next, Japanese magazines; コンプエース and Dengeki Maoh!
July 2013 Issue of コンプエース magazine, featuring Nanoha and Stern! |
Back cover of the magazine |
July 2013 issue of Dengeki Maoh, cover page |
Back cover of the magazine... |
Persona edition magazine! (Was looking forward to Persona 4 manga...Has it ended?-I wonder about that...) |
Back cover...
MGLN innocent manga book 1!
Front cover with Nanoha, Fate and Alicia |
Back cover with Arisa and Suzuka! (Kinda love their barrier jackets!) |
Additional comics...(From my guess, I believed the characters are acting while Lindy is the director or something...) |
This came with コンプエース... It's supposing to be a book cover which I think is for MGLN innocent manga book... |
The cover is alot different from the original where this came off a slight feeling of a wallpaper than a cover page... |
And that's what I requested from my sister to help me when she was in Japan! Amount of money a lot that I found myself feeling a little guilty... If I was there, I bet I will not buy the figurine...However what's done is done; one should keep looking forward while looking back at mistakes to learn and not feel depressed or anything... Enough about my ramblings then, let's move on to the manga section in which I'll post the chapters as shown above! That's why, don't walk away just yet unless you're not a fan of
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