Sunday, July 25, 2021

Started Genshin Impact and it may be a bad idea...?

About a month since last post but want to pen some thoughts especially after starting Genshin Impact during the start of this month (3rd July 2021).

Before starting the game, I had planned to get a new laptop/desktop to replace my old one which has been with me since my uni years (and that is about 6 years and counting...)

While sourcing for the new machine, it was a pain as the cost of it isn't small thus hard to decide... In addition, realised Genshin requires a certain graphics requirement, makes it worse.
In the end, after spending almost the whole day, finally decided on one which exceed my budget much but I believe it is a good investment.

Installed Genshin on the same day that I bought the machine and well, the open world concept really drew me in and I was quite interested to explore every part of the world than do quests or proceed with story(lol). However that was also when it started... My addiction, sigh...

^I was like a child who found something interesting that I can go on for hours, playing it. And the fact that there are tons of things to do in Genshin does not help much either.
As such, I was sleeping later and I suppose it shows as my sibling mentioned that my eye bags were getting worse- though I don't see the difference, I do notice the decrease in my energy and concentration which can affect much in my daily job and work...

I tried much to control but fun times just make you forgot about reality, especially when reality can be tiring to deal with... 

But in the end, reality is the real one here and no matter how great the game can be, one should never forget what is real.

Anyway, I suppose the control should be easier(?) now, considering that I am a bit burn out from the game and at a loss of what to do next- which surprisingly (but also not) is much faster than when I am playing Arknights...

That about it; a small update on my recent life- needed to pen down my thoughts since it had been nagging me a lot.

Until next time, this is Yaiji signing off.


PS: Another reason I was more addicted was cos I got my fave, Kazuha (which is also why I started during that time, lol)- Was quite surprised since Genshin rate isn't very good! Currently, he is my main dps- I understand that he is seen as either a support or sub-dps but to me, he is decent as my main dps~

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