Sunday, March 24, 2019

Back from trip~

Came back from my trip from Japan(about a week ago)

I suppose it was a nice break after 6 months of working; felt slightly motivated to work after back(but it was a momentary thing-.- May write another post, talking about it...)

It was my first time going during Spring and maybe I was kinda too used to the summer weather, I didn't bring much thick clothing to combat the cold, thinking it was just cooling ver of summer and only brought a few long sleeves... To be exact, the temperature was alright; what made it bad was the wind... There was once, the wind was so strong that my bag felt like flying off(if not for me holding it, despite carrying it)

As a result, my hands developed cold rashes- But my hands recovered fast once back to my homeland:)

Despite this, it was fun; exploring Nagoya for the first time! And, just so happen, there was sega LLSS collaboration cafe to go to!

Got Riko drink but got Chika coaster- ChikaRiko FTW!XD

Maze Udon- not bad but was a little spicy(which I'm bad at...The rice was a great help~)

Naturally, tried 2nd years parfait- surprisingly the ice-cream was not mikan but peach(while first years' got the mikan... Even tho Yoshiko hates it...)
See my insta for more pics:)

There's also LLSS premium pop-up shop at Tokyo(which lasted until 13/3 and by the time I went on the 2nd last, the file to be given for every 3000 yen spent was already over...) And, most of the merch were gone too...

Regardless, I still spent a fair bit in getting the acrylic standee of ChikaRiko and gacha quite a lot for the mini standee too...

(Forgot to take pic of muse's...)
Too cute>< And got the muse: baka trio~ No Umi/Riko, glad to get Honoka^^ 

Also went to Gallery x Parco exhibition of Revue Starlight transition stageplay 2 in Shibuya- had a hard time finding it since the place was actually a small place with dark entrance... As such, actually walked past a few times before finding it(for such places, google maps is not really your best friend...) 

Spent a fair bit to get the postcards:
No Hikari(T.T) But, all the members looked really good in this outfits!

And gacha again for 3 times(cos I can only afford that many...) No Hikari or Karen but got JunNana!(Plus Futaba~)
That Junna without her glasses looks great~ Think Nana seems to be blessing me lately; her sun nation ver came to me and now getting both her postcard and badge!

See my insta for more pics~

In addition, as my family went to Mishma Skywalk and there was time, was able to stop by Numazu(and ate a meal at Sun Sun Sunshine Cafe~) to get some of the new stamps and badges(near to the station), plus get the latest LLSS x noppo bun(which I kinda regretted getting one cos it was quite good!!!- flavor was tiramisu!)

If I am to compare this to the maze udon that I ate in sega collaboration cafe, I would prefer this(and they are of same price...I think...) And, just one meal, got 2nd yrs' coaster~

Didn't ate this; my family ordered and thought the rainbow thingy was jam but it was actually cheese...

Water blue new world parfait- just love blue stuff^^ And the coaster is Saint Snow(in awaken the power outfits!)  

saw it while getting the stamps~

The badges gotten~ The gk's was a surprise since it was valentine day exclusive! 

LLSS shopping plastic bag- only exclusive to purchases in numazu~

Wish I gotten more...

Following that, I went to Kanda Shrine to celebrate Umi's birthday! And, experience a miracle of seeing Sakura!- it was really unexpected since no sakura should be blooming in Tokyo during the period that I went; yet it did.

And, subsequently, saw more sakura at a temple(called yushima-seido)near the shrine and went there, finding not just sakura but pink roses as well!

Lastly, went to Odaiba to see the gundam Unicorn Statue- it was RX-78-2 statue the last time I went... And watched the light show and found an awesome song called Cage by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Tielle!(was looping quite a few times while working~)

Recorded the light show and only to found out that 3min++ video was recorded without sound...(*cries*)

Before the show, went to Gundam base(at 7f- and only knew the existence a few years back; even tho it existed when I last went to odaiba...*face palm*) And that visit...Blown up my budget... That place was like a paradise for gunpla fans... And their limited kits were just too much(that despite 'not much' space left at home, I bought quite an amount of kits^^;)

A pic of proof~
All in all, it was an interesting trip(like many of my other past trips) and no matter how many times I had gone to Japan, it never failed to surprise and amaze me!

And, until next time, can't wait for the type of surprises I will experience!

This is Yaiji signing off!


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