Time really flies and it's the 7th year of Love Live(and it had been one year since μ's stopped their activites- although, there are still contents releasing via LL AC and LL SIF)
This also marks the 3rd year since Aqours started(in 2015)!
And maybe cos I follow them since the beginning as compared to μ's; where I only started back in 2014(still regret I didn't start early and even dislike idol animes, thinking they had no depth...),
I feel a stronger bond to them(and am falling deeper into this idol hell, lol)
Yet there is this contradicting feel of 'betraying' μ's whenever I kept buying Aqours' goods... And more so when I am thinking of taking off μ's posters(cos they are old) and put up Aqours' posters...
From my recent jp trip, I tried to balance the goods bought between Aqours and μ's but it is hard, esp when μ's does not have as much as Aqours... Even the SIF thanksgiving event has more Aqours' stuff...
Feel like as the time goes, I may just keep away all μ's stuff(or even sell them away) and replace them with Aqours'... It's like moving on from old attachment...
However, to not forget them and remember them, I still do fanart on their birthdays; be it μ's or Aqours.
And maybe on every 30/6 of each year, do something to commemorate this very day, that was the start of this very idol
And for this year, did something for that very day which I failed to finish for last year:
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Deviantart | Pixiv |
This work comprises of 3 A4 papers, combined into one long piece- you see each part via the Pixiv link(in the caption)
Said eariler, this was supposed to be done last year, to celebrate the final year of μ's but I couldn't made it^^; But glad I could for this year.
The art notes are pretty much what were written under the description in my Deviantart upload(do take a look:)
Once again, Happy 7th Anniversary, Love Live!
PS: something to add; think while this type of format gives me more space to draw, it's hard to scan- The work was scanned per A4 and combining them was a bit troublesome, hence some rough 'pasting' at the joined parts...
Most likely my last time to do such format or try avoiding such format...
Small note of the things to come:
-Will likely upload another part of my jap trip update special on my trip to Numazu, in this week.
-Uploaded my experience in SIF thankgiving 2017 and just updated a little; added in the images of the SIF honor and regular scouting envelopes bought from the events & a few more stuff- do give another read if you have the time~
^That's about it.
Ending the post here. This is Yaiji signing off!
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