Not sure what to feel; at one side, I feel excited since just one more step(year) and I will have made it(graduate) yet making it also means it's time to work for 'life'(at least for about 40 years...)
And based on experience from my internship... It's interesting but also mundane and sometimes stressful... While it is managable in short term, I'm not sure if I can survive in the long term...
However, before I worry about all those, I need to secure a job first... With the bad economy and how competitive it is, it's gng be hard to get a decent job, with a good pay...Sigh...
That aside, I still have a year
I spoke with my FYP prof, a few days ago and I dreaded for my FYP... While I chose the project, mostly cos it is a chance to learn machine learning, I'm worried I can't do much, given my pathetic skills in programming-.-
To be honest, I would avoid programming if I can since I don't have the talent in it but given the nature of the stuff I do, programming seems to be the thing and I can't run away from it...
^Since I can't run away, I might as well learn what I can and do what I can. But of course, all I could ever do is see and understand sample codes, modifiy them or use them in what I want to achieve...
It feel a lot like sketching; see a drawing and like the posture, you draw the characters you want in that posture... And while you're the one who drew the work, you can't help feel it's not right to claim it is yours, entirely... The same goes for programming when you used someone's sample code and just do the modifications to suit your needs...
^I would try to understand and even write out the sample code myself without referring if I got the time. And if I felt guilty just from using someone else's work to work on my own work, then I wouldn't be able to use program like microsoft word, android studio, etc.
I mean it would be awesome to understand how people created (for example) microsoft word for users to write documents, reports but rather than 'wasting time' on this, I could have written thousands of documents and reports for a company and earn an income out of it.
As such, I feel/think that while it doesn't feel nice to use other people's work but if it saved time and the creators allowed, based on logic thinking, you go for modifications than starting from fresh.- It really saved a lot of time for ppl to work on other aspects than areas(sample codes) that already have answers to them
Sorry for the ramblings.- Had been doing online tutorial on machine learning for the past few weeks and the talk with my FYP prof does not ease my heart of my final year... In a way, I can't help talk a bit of my thoughts on this matter; it helped me to sort out my feelings a little:)
I will end my ramblings here and get on with some share of my works~
LL July babies
For the two cancer(star sign) babies, first up:
Tsushima Yoshiko-13/7/17:
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Happy belated birthday, Yos-Yohane!!!
Didn't have inspiration at first till I started to draw. Much like You's work; I drew various doodles of her~
Ranging from anime scenes to SIF card designs and her latest subunit outfit, I had alot of fun drawing her different expressionsXD
Oh and like Kanan's, I made a GIF out of the wips I did; it's just so happened that I uploaded quite a bit of wips to be able to make it^^;
You can see it from Deviantart or Pixiv.
Next up:
Yazawa Nico-22/7/17
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^This is an example that I really, Really have no inspiration to draw...I mean I did say I would draw all muse members in this set of outfits for each of their birthdays yet I can't think of a pose for her(except her usual Nico Nico Ni pose...)
And this draw was supposed to be accompanied with a short manga...
The work was to show how Nico didn't pursue her dream of becoming an idol and went to college, and passed by a standee of her where there were fans whom still remembered her as an (school)idol. And Nico just turned away, telling herself, 'this is all in the past; you're now in college, Nico!'- A remainder to herself that the idol path was a memory in the past. However...
Nico's phone sounded, indicating an notification and upon seeing the messages, Nico can't helped smile- Her school idol days may be the past but the friends she has right now, are defintely the present and also the future!
Nico's phone showed the birthday messages from the muse members~
^That was what the manga supposed to show but didn't have the time- spent too much time thinking that I was left with like 2 days to finish this work, lol
PS: I know it's summer in Japan during Nico's bday; messed up with the outfit that Nico worn-.-
Pls take it as she went aboard studying or something^^;
PS: I know it's summer in Japan during Nico's bday; messed up with the outfit that Nico worn-.-
Pls take it as she went aboard studying or something^^;
And, I combined the 2 works into one on PIXIV.
New project: FatexLoveLive
It was on a whim that I started this 'mini-project'- It wasn't meant to be a project; heck it shouldn't even be expanded into a project. It was started with a doodle before my hands decided to be itchy and...You know how it goes...
As the title suggested, it's somewhat a 'crossover' between the Fate series and Love Live... Basically, a ServantxMaster work. And currently, I had done 5 pairs;
- ChikaRiko: Chika as Master & Riko as Servant [Saber]
- HonoUmi: Honoka as Master & Umi as Servant [Archer]
- KanaMari: Kanan as Master & Mari as Servant [Rider]
- NozoEli: Nozomi as Master & Eli as Servant [Lancer]
- YouShiko: You as Master & Yohane as Servant [Caster]
You can see the completed works of the first 4 pairs, HERE or from my twitter(my 5th pair is currently only uploaded on my twitter^^;)
PS: notice the position of the name and the pattern of the pair:) It should give a rough idea who's gng be the master and servant for NicoMaki pair~
Before I end off... Recently, I got a new pet~
Before I end off... Recently, I got a new pet~
New pet
It's* a red-eared slider(RES).
*I do not know its gender yet- I feel it is a female but... Gng wait for it to grow more to see~
While it always stares at me(like in the above pic), it's quite shy(?) or scared of people at the start; it will just move away or shrunk its head. Currently, it is more opened but still has a bit of shyness.
And it's quite cute in its actions; like sleeping, eating, yawning~
^It's sleeping~
And I think it's kinda interesting(but can be irritating) how it will stare at you for food even tho I have given it quite a few pieces of food(dried shrimp...) and from the internet, RES does beg for food... And that's bad cos they do eat until they throw up; which means they don't know what is [full]...
There's one more thing I noticed; that is how it always shit when I put it back to its tank.- Normally, I will put it in a separate container to feed while I go wash its tank.
Its cleaned tank was dirtied in a few minutes after I washed the tank... It's nice that it's eating and shitting but to shit right after I put it back... At least do it in the separate container so that the washed tank wouldn't be too smelly for the day(I normally wash the tank once everyday but think after school started, I think I can only afford once in 2 to 3 days or even a week...)
The amount of work is not little but it's worth it for this little guy/gal~
Oh and I initally named it, 'Yoshiko' cos I got him a day before Yoshiko's bday(12/7) but judging from its behaviour; it isn't really a good terrapin(child)... I just thought of the name 'Tohru' instead.
Then again, I doubt it will respond to the name unless I kept calling it that which is weird; I suppose it's weird to talk to terrapin?(esp with it staring at you for food...-.-)
That's about it I think. I will try to get my other jap trip posts out soon; will defintely get it out before my school starts.
And a little ramblings:
FGOXPixiv art contest results were out and I'm not surprised that I didn't win anything but it still hurts... I thought maybe there would be some 'beginner artist' prize or notable mention... Then again, I am competing with top artists where I am just a nobody(haha...)
^Do take a look at the entries; the top entries are awesome works! And of course, those that will be in the fanbook are also great!
And good job to all artists who particpated!
This is Yaiji signing off!