Will be mainly talking about the events last week(got a feeling it'll be a long post~)
SAO Movie: Ordinal Scale
My country was one of the lucky few that managed to get the release at the same time as Japan but I didn't watch that due to the price... I watched the general release with my brother, which was slightly cheaper:)
Initially, the plan was to watch during weekends but cos of Aqours' First live viewing, that was out... So, we chose a weekday after work to watch and a cinema nearer to our workplaces, such that we can take our time to have our dinners and go for the movie without much rush... At least that was the plan...
Until something unexpected happened that I had to head home for a change of clothes... And that led to whole chain of rushes here and there but all went well as we made it to the cinema before the movie started:)
About the movie: I won't spoil much but I can only say the actions were great but plot wise... It was interesting(though I more or less guessed it, halfway into the movie...) yet there were some parts that were too... Forced in?- Like a game where this NPC tells you to do this to proceed...Okay I think I speak too much but really! If you are a SAO fan, you wouldn't want to miss this movie!^^
![]() |
Poster got from buying the ticket~ |
Aqours First Live Viewing
And this was the highlight of my last week~
This is my 2nd time going for a Love Live concert(Live Viewing style~) with the Final live last year as my 1st time~
And I suppose I got better(?)
The last yr's me was a complete dork at concert live that I couldn't move my lightsticks right nor shout the calls right... Though then again, I was a very late Love Liver that I wasn't very used to U's... Was more inclined towards Aqours that I listened to all their songs, watched their PVs and Nico Nama, etc.
Also, this time I got the First Live Light Stick!- That means I was able to change the colours accordingly to my liking and the song being sang in the concert! In other words, I could participate properly in the lightstick 'swinging'! Furthermore, I even got the First Live shirt!
My First Live starter pack was more or less there for me to enjoy that 2 days(though it also burned a hole in my wallet......)
First day: 25/2/17
I came to the venue about 1.5h earlier and saw a queue outside which I didn't know what was it for until I saw the counter for selling the merchandises... Technically, I already got what I needed so this wasn't much of a thing to me yet I was kinda tempted to get the poster which has the members' First Live msg...
So being the idol dork, I queued to try my luck yet I gave up when it was near my turn cos of 2 reasons:
- I had a terrible stomach upset but I was thinking of enduring since it's near my turn... However...
- As I was quite at the back of the queue, when it was nearing my turn, the time was quite near to the start of the concert...
Regardless, I think it was a right choice to give up or I would have suffered in the concert and can't enjoy, haha~
Oh and the management was a little bad with how ppl had to queue to go in and the queue wasn't short at all... Kinda shocking cos it was the first time that there was such a long queue, just to go into the cinema hall...
Oh and the management was a little bad with how ppl had to queue to go in and the queue wasn't short at all... Kinda shocking cos it was the first time that there was such a long queue, just to go into the cinema hall...
Before I talked about the concert, some stuff to say:
- While not many days had passed, I don't rmb everything so pardon if I made any mistakes...
- I 'may' get biased towards my fave chars^^;
the first song was Aozora Jumping Heart(which I more or less expected) and the full version was great, esp with that momentary Riko center
Next, it was Koi Ni Naritai AQUARIUM!- Didn't know main colour was Blue though expected as You center song? Dk y I don't rmb much about this part...0.0
After that, it was when the Voice Actors(VA) introduced themselves which I was confident in returning the calls; huge experience from watching their Nico Nama~ And special mention to Suwawa(Kanan's VA) who hugged Shukashu(You's VA)~
Then, it was Aqours HEROES- A hype up song before intermission of the members talking about Yokohama. My Japanese isn't very gd so pardon if I mistake understood any parts...
At first, the members were seen to arrive at Yokohama for the live and dk much but Dia saying how the live venue isn't at Yokohama station but Shin Yokohama station(which I believed there is...?- only went to Yokohama once...) And then, Hanamaru suddenly said, "That was a close shave"- As to what she meant, I had no idea; I lost them in this part^^;
The next batch of song is the Anime OST, starting with Kimeta Yo Hand In Hand, then Daisuki Dattara Daijoubu! And the 2nd years' outfits were awesome!!!- I like the improvement from the outfits worn in Anime for Daisuki Dattara Daijoubu!
Continued from there, it is episode 6 OST, Yume de Yozora no Terashitai~ The outfits were pretty much the same as the ones shown in the anime~ Quite love them though feel like a waste for them to wear only for that one song^^;
After that, it was intermission with this time, the members talking about what to eat... We have Hanamaru who wants to eat Ramen while Ruby, choosing Shumai. And you can imagine the argument that started and that was back up with Mari choosing Ramen and Kanan choosing Shumai... And that was when Dia stepped in! You thought she will resolve by choosing one side... BUT no! She suggested another food, curry rice... And Yoshiko/Yohane actually supported that because it's spicy* She really likes spicy food, huh?(This and the 'Takoyaki' she made in the anime...)
*Not very sure if that's the real reason; that is at least what I understood...
And PS: I would have chosen Curry Rice~
And of course, the 2nd years or rather You and Riko were discussing how to resolve the first years' argument by asking the seniors(third years) but the 3rd yrs were also arguing over the same thing...
It was then the ever reliable leader, Chika stepped in, saying that they are gonna do a live yet they are fighting over food... Of course, diverting the topic isn't exactly tactical choice since you don't solve the problem...
At this point, I'm not very sure if I understood right but Chika suggested them to go to Numazu? And chaos ensured when their lives were at Yokohama... Until she said there is a shop called... Numazu?(I'm pretty much confused over this so take this like a pinch of salt...)That's when the members all agreed and matter solved & the next song segment is up!
Next up are the subunits' song with CYaRon starting, Genki Zenkai DAY DAY DAY! which was just nice to hype up after the intermission and the oufits were a huge upgrade from the outfits shown on the CD!-Especially Shukashu(You's VA)'s outfit!!! Love it very much!!! That side frill? made her outfit too cool///>^<///
To add on, at the mid, there were calls of them saying: "We are CYaRon" and fans(were expected to) reply, "I love CYaRon"- This was actually practised in last year's SIF event during CYaRon segment and was hyped up to return the calls~
To add on, at the mid, there were calls of them saying: "We are CYaRon" and fans(were expected to) reply, "I love CYaRon"- This was actually practised in last year's SIF event during CYaRon segment and was hyped up to return the calls~
After that song, it was the usual of the VAs talking about their outfits and them catching a break by drinking water. At here, Shukashu san and Furirin(Ruby's VA) pointed out how Anchan(Chika's VA) had 3 mikans design at the side of her outfit and Anchan said it meant the members of CYaRon; You, Ruby and Chika(How sweet~)
Following that, Shukashu san goes on saying how she wants to see Yozora(night sky) and if you know what's coming up next; Yozora wa Nandemo Shitteru no?
It was a calming song. Special mention to Shukashu's dancing at the mid!!!
Also, at the end where they showed Anchan(which to Live Viewers, it was her close up on the screen), singing the last few lyrics; 後悔してるの = Koukai shiteru no = And now, I regret it and the beat ended there, was just-!!! I can't really put that feel to words(so do buy the BDs to know that:)
Up next, we have...*Drumrolls....* AZALEA!- With Torikoriko, PLEASE!-Slight hype song(but can't compare to Genki Zenkai DAY DAY DAY!) But what hype up the fans was the outfits!!!- Especially Arisha(Dia's VA)!!! She looked really really pretty and dang, maybe I wasn't observant; Arisha can really pull off the appeal of the elegant and skinny image~
Of course, the others; Suwawa(Kanan's VA) and King(Hanamaru's VA) also looked great and maybe cos Azalea consisted of the tall members in Aqours, they looked very elegant in their dresses which fitted very much with Azalea's theme and songs:)
Nearing to the end, they each got a stick which looked a lot like a magical wand?(oh?)
Again, the VAs talked about their outfits and the meaning of their songs, and the wands?- In which when the VAs moved their wands, the fans were expected to change their lightsticks to pink cos pink is the colour of love(//////) Expected of Azalea to come out with such ideas~
Of course, next up is the next Azalea song: Tokimeki Bunruigaku.-A calming song as well but the effects were great; not sure how to explained but the at the mid, the screen showed a flower image on the screen in their respective colours when they made a circle and the flowers dispersed when they let go- Okay, this is bad explanation; pls buy the BD to see this^^;
Like a calm before the Storm, the next song is the most hype one!!!-Introducing Strawberry Trapper by Guilty Kiss! That one word, "READY?" at the start, hype up everyone! As if it's not hype enough, their outfits-!!! OMG!!! I half-wanted Rikako(Riko's VA) to wear the outfit shown on the CD but the one she worn looked equally awesome!!! Aikyan(Yoshiko/Yohane's VA) and Ainya(Mari's VA) outfits were pretty much similar to that shown on the CD but much more cooler(haha, I'm running out of vocab to describe...)
The notable one in the song would be the kick at the end~
Once again, VAs' talk with a slight skit of Rikako getting embarrassed over the outfit and Ainya & Aikyan said, it looked nice on her and not to miss that, Aikyan(Yohane) actually called Rikako(Riko), Lily!!!(I'm sure YohaRiko fans are bursting out with joys~)
And during the talk, Rikako and Ainya went to have a drink while Aikyan was gearing the fans to their next song; when she said "Guilty Kiss", the fan will reply, "Guilty Kiss". When Rikako and Ainya came back, with Aikyan going to have a drink, they asked the fans to reply "Guilty Night" when they said "Guilty Night".
More or less, fans already knew what's up next~ The song started with a "chu" from all of the members and the song Guilty Night, Guilty Kiss played~
It's an engaging song where fans called out, "Guilty Kiss" and "Guilty Night" at the portion of the songs(which was what the VA was trying to gear the fans to~)
After the subunits' segment, a small intermission of showing some short anime scenes until episode 9... Where the Anime OST from before, left off and you can guess what's the next song; Mijuku Dreamer!!!(PS: During this intermission, fans were squealing whenever U's was seen- it's hard to put it down...)
^Super, super like the outfits!!!XD- I've a thing for Yukata/Kimono style outfits~
And this is also one of my fave songs, considering the scene from ep9 (KANANXMARI!!!) Plus the anime cutscene before, actually showed the hug scene(///>^<///)
However, what actually stood up was the next song(and it had became my fave after this live!) After Mijuku Dreamer ended, the spotlight was on Rikako(I was confused till-!) Another spotlight was on a piano on the stage and I was pretty much lost for words even though I knew what's up next but my head was like "this can't be???!!! Aida san??? You're gonna-!!!" And then, Rikako looked at Anchan to signal the start of the song, Omoi yo Hitotsu ni nare and SHE- ACTUALLY- FREAKING- PLAYED- THE- PIANO!!! Omg, OmG, OMG!!! I can't believe this because she didn't have any piano experience yet she's doing this(and did it well!!!) I liked it especially how the camera focused on her playing!!! This very scene made me respected her a lot- To learn the piano in such a short time and it's not just any beginner piece either plus just for that one song!!!
After that awesome performance by not just Rikako but the Aqours' members, it was another VAs' talk of their Mijuku Dreamer outfits and it started with how the 'fireworks' was great in Mijuku Dreamer. Aikyan(Yohane) claimed that it was her summoning it and Furirin(Ruby) played along which ended up with Dia being 'slightly' annoyed by it(haha)
And then, there's Shukashu(You) saying "Welcome back" to Rikako(Riko) which she replied, "I'm back"(YouRiko moment~) First years got envied and also wanted to say that to Riko(haha)
'Small' mention(Paying too much attention on her^^;) Rikako was talking a bit about her playing and cos before in Mijuku Dreamer, there were the effects of the 'fireworks', Rikako could feel the heat from the aftermath while playing(o.o)
Following that, it is Todokanai Hoshi da to Shitemo. For this, I dk y... I don't quite rmb well... So erm, I'm not gonna comment on this(Need the BDs to refresh my memories...-.-)
Moving on, another intermission of the anime cutscenes from where it stopped at ep 9 to ep 10 and beyond. During this intermission, fans were squealing whenever U's was seen(again but it's really really hard to put it down...) And it led to ep 13 and towards that very one song but before that, similar to anime of Aqours' telling the story of their becoming, this time, it was in VA ver(which adds on the feels...)
Zero to One which is the theme for this live and the very essential in season one!
The music Mirai Ticket was playing in the background with the infamous call from one to nine and "TEN" for the fans(Which was also done in the anime!) that signal the start! The venue was filled with blue lightsticks till the end; it was a glorious sight to behold! Not to mention, the outfits-!!! While Mijuku Dreamer's give off a traditional feel, Mirai Ticket screams out the cool feel that I will always be weak towards when it concerns suits!!!
If I've to pick a fave out of all the outfits shown, I choose Mirai Ticket!!!XD
After that, it was the 'last' song and the very first song that they started with(ending the live with the start), Kimi No Kokoro Kagayaiteru Kai?
During the song, I was kinda worried by the members whom will be doing the jump; Suwawa, Ainya and especially Shukashu given how the Mirai Ticket outfits have the 'tails' from the suit but apparently, my worries were nothing as Shukashu executed the jump with perfection(and I will always be amazed by how she could do it so well~)
Also, the solo part by Rikako and Anchan was done awesome that I can feel their efforts to improve their stamina had payed off!
That's pretty much all in first live...Except that... Fans will always want an encore especially how no ones wanted this live to end(at least not that fast, haha)
For the encore part, there was a short animation of the members hearing the encore and saying they will answer it! The VAs came back on in the First Live shirts with can badges pinned that you could buy at the venue in Japan~ Some asks by the VAs whether the fans were still energised for (a few) more and Pops Heart de Odorun damon! brings back the hype which is a super upbeat song!
Following that, it was Yume Kataru yori Yume Utaoru where the VAs actually got pom pom as props.
Next was the ending statements by the VAs which felt a lot like Deja Vu; back in Final Live... Some of them were shedding a few tears that really it felt like an end yet it's not since it's only the 1st live!-I'm sure there are many more to come!!!
To end this whole thing with the very song that this live's theme was on!- The very last song: Step! Zero To One!
A slight hype song too and really the lyrics meant a lot! And that ended Day 1!- felt a little... Lost due to the end; like a magic spell just broke off but was glad I got the day 2 too so this was only a temporary break(tho the real feel hit after day 2 which I will leave it ltr...)
And, got a slight sore in my throat from a little shouting but didn't go overboard; I need to save some strength for day 2 but my sleep certainly got ruined very much^^;(But that's something I doubt anyone want know)
That concludes day 1 report which is pretty much a whole long text of words and took me a very long while to write. And, call it lazy or whatever you want, day 2 report will be short cos mainly, the song lists are the same; you can see here:
Plus the outfits are pretty much the same... I will just point out the difference only...
For Guilty Kiss' side... There was a slight change... Erm... Can't really rmb but that Rikako was again embarrassed by the outfit but with how short the skirt was...(Day 1 was when she felt embarrassed by the exposure given by the sleeves of her outfit, haha)
Once again, VAs' talk with a slight skit of Rikako getting embarrassed over the outfit and Ainya & Aikyan said, it looked nice on her and not to miss that, Aikyan(Yohane) actually called Rikako(Riko), Lily!!!(I'm sure YohaRiko fans are bursting out with joys~)
And during the talk, Rikako and Ainya went to have a drink while Aikyan was gearing the fans to their next song; when she said "Guilty Kiss", the fan will reply, "Guilty Kiss". When Rikako and Ainya came back, with Aikyan going to have a drink, they asked the fans to reply "Guilty Night" when they said "Guilty Night".
More or less, fans already knew what's up next~ The song started with a "chu" from all of the members and the song Guilty Night, Guilty Kiss played~
It's an engaging song where fans called out, "Guilty Kiss" and "Guilty Night" at the portion of the songs(which was what the VA was trying to gear the fans to~)
After the subunits' segment, a small intermission of showing some short anime scenes until episode 9... Where the Anime OST from before, left off and you can guess what's the next song; Mijuku Dreamer!!!(PS: During this intermission, fans were squealing whenever U's was seen- it's hard to put it down...)
^Super, super like the outfits!!!XD- I've a thing for Yukata/Kimono style outfits~
And this is also one of my fave songs, considering the scene from ep9 (KANANXMARI!!!) Plus the anime cutscene before, actually showed the hug scene(///>^<///)
However, what actually stood up was the next song(and it had became my fave after this live!) After Mijuku Dreamer ended, the spotlight was on Rikako(I was confused till-!) Another spotlight was on a piano on the stage and I was pretty much lost for words even though I knew what's up next but my head was like "this can't be???!!! Aida san??? You're gonna-!!!" And then, Rikako looked at Anchan to signal the start of the song, Omoi yo Hitotsu ni nare and SHE- ACTUALLY- FREAKING- PLAYED- THE- PIANO!!! Omg, OmG, OMG!!! I can't believe this because she didn't have any piano experience yet she's doing this(and did it well!!!) I liked it especially how the camera focused on her playing!!! This very scene made me respected her a lot- To learn the piano in such a short time and it's not just any beginner piece either plus just for that one song!!!
After that awesome performance by not just Rikako but the Aqours' members, it was another VAs' talk of their Mijuku Dreamer outfits and it started with how the 'fireworks' was great in Mijuku Dreamer. Aikyan(Yohane) claimed that it was her summoning it and Furirin(Ruby) played along which ended up with Dia being 'slightly' annoyed by it(haha)
And then, there's Shukashu(You) saying "Welcome back" to Rikako(Riko) which she replied, "I'm back"(YouRiko moment~) First years got envied and also wanted to say that to Riko(haha)
'Small' mention(Paying too much attention on her^^;) Rikako was talking a bit about her playing and cos before in Mijuku Dreamer, there were the effects of the 'fireworks', Rikako could feel the heat from the aftermath while playing(o.o)
Following that, it is Todokanai Hoshi da to Shitemo. For this, I dk y... I don't quite rmb well... So erm, I'm not gonna comment on this(Need the BDs to refresh my memories...-.-)
Moving on, another intermission of the anime cutscenes from where it stopped at ep 9 to ep 10 and beyond. During this intermission, fans were squealing whenever U's was seen(again but it's really really hard to put it down...) And it led to ep 13 and towards that very one song but before that, similar to anime of Aqours' telling the story of their becoming, this time, it was in VA ver(which adds on the feels...)
Zero to One which is the theme for this live and the very essential in season one!
The music Mirai Ticket was playing in the background with the infamous call from one to nine and "TEN" for the fans(Which was also done in the anime!) that signal the start! The venue was filled with blue lightsticks till the end; it was a glorious sight to behold! Not to mention, the outfits-!!! While Mijuku Dreamer's give off a traditional feel, Mirai Ticket screams out the cool feel that I will always be weak towards when it concerns suits!!!
If I've to pick a fave out of all the outfits shown, I choose Mirai Ticket!!!XD
After that, it was the 'last' song and the very first song that they started with(ending the live with the start), Kimi No Kokoro Kagayaiteru Kai?
During the song, I was kinda worried by the members whom will be doing the jump; Suwawa, Ainya and especially Shukashu given how the Mirai Ticket outfits have the 'tails' from the suit but apparently, my worries were nothing as Shukashu executed the jump with perfection(and I will always be amazed by how she could do it so well~)
Also, the solo part by Rikako and Anchan was done awesome that I can feel their efforts to improve their stamina had payed off!
That's pretty much all in first live...Except that... Fans will always want an encore especially how no ones wanted this live to end(at least not that fast, haha)
For the encore part, there was a short animation of the members hearing the encore and saying they will answer it! The VAs came back on in the First Live shirts with can badges pinned that you could buy at the venue in Japan~ Some asks by the VAs whether the fans were still energised for (a few) more and Pops Heart de Odorun damon! brings back the hype which is a super upbeat song!
Following that, it was Yume Kataru yori Yume Utaoru where the VAs actually got pom pom as props.
Next was the ending statements by the VAs which felt a lot like Deja Vu; back in Final Live... Some of them were shedding a few tears that really it felt like an end yet it's not since it's only the 1st live!-I'm sure there are many more to come!!!
To end this whole thing with the very song that this live's theme was on!- The very last song: Step! Zero To One!
A slight hype song too and really the lyrics meant a lot! And that ended Day 1!- felt a little... Lost due to the end; like a magic spell just broke off but was glad I got the day 2 too so this was only a temporary break(tho the real feel hit after day 2 which I will leave it ltr...)
And, got a slight sore in my throat from a little shouting but didn't go overboard; I need to save some strength for day 2 but my sleep certainly got ruined very much^^;(But that's something I doubt anyone want know)
That concludes day 1 report which is pretty much a whole long text of words and took me a very long while to write. And, call it lazy or whatever you want, day 2 report will be short cos mainly, the song lists are the same; you can see here:
Plus the outfits are pretty much the same... I will just point out the difference only...
Second Day: 26/2/17
As the timing was earlier, I only got to the venue like abt an hour earlier in which the sale of the merchandises had already started-.- However, seeing as it was shorter than before, I tried my luck again~ And maybe it was fated or a miracle, I got the last poster available!!!^^ Though there was a small embarrassing incident during the purchase... I actually gave the wrong amount of money... And worse still, when the cashier told me, I actually replied, "I didn't have exact change..." It was... Super... Embarrassing... And I rmb whenever I see the poster... Sigh...
Okay that was a side note but the management was better on day 2; you didn't need to queue long to go into the cinema hall:) Or maybe cos I went in like 20 mins earlier; didn't want to get caught in the crowd like in day 1... The security was much more stricter that you can't take out your phone(but I had to or at least to play my SIF to clear off my LP^^;) Plus they muted the background song from the live broadcast in Japan until the start of the live itself- I was worried cos the sound system was spoilt or something-.- Given that, I heard Malaysia Live Broadcast was cut off halfway due to the bad weather...
That was another slight note so as mentioned earlier, I will just talk and point out the differences!
Everything was pretty much the same with the change of certain songs that as someone who attended Day 1, I knew when to stand and when to sit~
Also, I was more out-going; standing for all the songs!- Unlike in Day 1 due to the influence from nearby fans whom weren't that...'On'? Day 2 fans were more hype-up; there were many whom were shouting the VAs' names out during their intro...
In addition, Day 2 was full of SuwawaXAinya moments~
At the intro, when Suwawa answered, "Let's hug!", she actually hugged Ainya instead of Shukashu!!!- She literally just moved across Arisha to get to Ainya(haha)
Also, I was more out-going; standing for all the songs!- Unlike in Day 1 due to the influence from nearby fans whom weren't that...'On'? Day 2 fans were more hype-up; there were many whom were shouting the VAs' names out during their intro...
In addition, Day 2 was full of SuwawaXAinya moments~
At the intro, when Suwawa answered, "Let's hug!", she actually hugged Ainya instead of Shukashu!!!- She literally just moved across Arisha to get to Ainya(haha)
Here comes the difference which came from the experience in Day1! During the Azalea VAs' talk, Suwawa was saying how there were already ppl changing their light sticks to pink(haha~) and that they shouldn't while King actually said, just maybe they had already received the feelings of love(nice comeback by King, haha) Regardless, Azalea members still went on with the change of colours to pink and I found it fun & beautiful, tbh~
Oh, before Azalea, during CYaRon VAs' talk segment, there was a slight amusing moment of Furirin, unable to get the water bottle out to drink(which was quite adorable tho, haha)
For Guilty Kiss' side... There was a slight change... Erm... Can't really rmb but that Rikako was again embarrassed by the outfit but with how short the skirt was...(Day 1 was when she felt embarrassed by the exposure given by the sleeves of her outfit, haha)
Following that, we had Mijuku Dreamer which I was mentally prepared for the song after that but maybe me being a little paranoid or too focused on Rikako(she's kinda my fave VA in Aqours), she seemed stressed a bit and not really smiling at the end of the song... I brushed off as the pressure from ltr which she will make it just like in Day 1...
However, I wasn't really thinking right... Like in Day 1, spotlight was on her and the piano as she ascended up the stairs to the piano. And then, she gave the signal to Anchan to start but there was a drop in the beat of the piano that really, I thought it was the technical issues with the sound system till the whole song stopped!
The fans were all confused before the camera focused on Rikako crying!!! I...Did not know what to feel at that time as Anchan just rushed to her aid in hopes of calming her down, followed by Suwawa and Ainya while the other members were below, in position for anytime that Rikako was ready to go.
At that moment, I could feel how warm and calm the Aqours' members were as words of "It's alright", "You can do it" said by either Anchan, Suwawa or Ainya(couldn't rmb too much...)
And to further give the support and encouragement, the fans started calling her name, "Rikako! Rikako!" while changing their light sticks to sakura pink! It was really a sight where everyone's Omoi yo Hitotsu ni nare!!! And Rikako really was amazing to continue after calming down and performed well(at least I doubt there was any wrong notes played...?) B'cos if it was me, my mind would have blanked out and unable to continue....
So, a huge shoutout to Aida Rikako, YOU DID GREAT! NEVER THINK OF YOURSELF AS A FAILURE!!!
Luckily, it was VAs' talk right after the song so Rikako got the time to tidy herself up for the later part of the live. And the topic was the usual of Aikyan(Yohane) saying she was the one who summoned the fireworks and Furirin(Ruby) joined in praising Aikyan but their tactics were stopped by Arisha(Dia) whom were a little annoyed... And Rikako returned back which I felt this time round's "Welcome back" by Shukashu(You) was very touching and the reply, "I'm back" by Rikako!!! As always, the 1st years were envied of Shukashu(haha)
Following that, it was Mattete Ai no Uta which was just nice(?) for the mood~
And the usual of anime cutscenes before Aqours' story and Mirai Ticket & Kimi No Kokoro wa Kagayaiteru kai? Then encore as per usual and the 3 songs played were also the same but... The difference came with a school bell ringing, dk was it after Pops Heart de Odorun damon! or Yume Kataru no Yume Utaou and the VAs were saying how, "is that the signal for break time?" and "how they are hungry" before Suwawa took the role of the MC to announce the news!!!- You can see here:
I literally jumped up at the anime announcement!!!- Cos that was what I had been hoping and dreaming since the end of the season 1!(haha) And it sure was a tease when they left that announcement at the last(I almost lost my hope~)
^Also, this was what tempted me to go for Day 2 too~
Before I end this review, the VAs' closing statements were even more emotional that some of them were crying while saying; I got a much stronger deju vu... Really really glad this isn't the last but only the first!
Special shout out to Shukashu whom seemed to have endless energy on the 2 days~
And that was my review for the 2 days live! Pardon my pathetic limit choice of vocab^^;. This was purely done through my recalling of the 2 days so it might be wrong(as mentioned earlier). The best would be to buy the BD when they are out & pls do not support satellite rip!!!-if you call yourself true love liver! It'll really ruin future live viewings which given how more countries were given such chances, don't waste & make it a one-time thing!!!
And it sure is a long post(took me about 2 days) so I'm leaving my normal update ltr in the week~
Oh yeah before I forgot, the fanart I did for the first live:
Super rushed work since I was working on it during the 2 days(while waiting for the live to start~) And I screwed up, not drawing their eyes... Plus I didn't have my copic set of colours; I made do with my sis' sharpie so some of the colours used(esp for their hair) weren't right- please pardon me for that^^;
Oh and the insta link is a progress GIF of the work:)
I will end here with the showcase of the poster I managed to get:
This is Yaiji signing off.
However, I wasn't really thinking right... Like in Day 1, spotlight was on her and the piano as she ascended up the stairs to the piano. And then, she gave the signal to Anchan to start but there was a drop in the beat of the piano that really, I thought it was the technical issues with the sound system till the whole song stopped!
The fans were all confused before the camera focused on Rikako crying!!! I...Did not know what to feel at that time as Anchan just rushed to her aid in hopes of calming her down, followed by Suwawa and Ainya while the other members were below, in position for anytime that Rikako was ready to go.
At that moment, I could feel how warm and calm the Aqours' members were as words of "It's alright", "You can do it" said by either Anchan, Suwawa or Ainya(couldn't rmb too much...)
And to further give the support and encouragement, the fans started calling her name, "Rikako! Rikako!" while changing their light sticks to sakura pink! It was really a sight where everyone's Omoi yo Hitotsu ni nare!!! And Rikako really was amazing to continue after calming down and performed well(at least I doubt there was any wrong notes played...?) B'cos if it was me, my mind would have blanked out and unable to continue....
So, a huge shoutout to Aida Rikako, YOU DID GREAT! NEVER THINK OF YOURSELF AS A FAILURE!!!
Luckily, it was VAs' talk right after the song so Rikako got the time to tidy herself up for the later part of the live. And the topic was the usual of Aikyan(Yohane) saying she was the one who summoned the fireworks and Furirin(Ruby) joined in praising Aikyan but their tactics were stopped by Arisha(Dia) whom were a little annoyed... And Rikako returned back which I felt this time round's "Welcome back" by Shukashu(You) was very touching and the reply, "I'm back" by Rikako!!! As always, the 1st years were envied of Shukashu(haha)
Following that, it was Mattete Ai no Uta which was just nice(?) for the mood~
And the usual of anime cutscenes before Aqours' story and Mirai Ticket & Kimi No Kokoro wa Kagayaiteru kai? Then encore as per usual and the 3 songs played were also the same but... The difference came with a school bell ringing, dk was it after Pops Heart de Odorun damon! or Yume Kataru no Yume Utaou and the VAs were saying how, "is that the signal for break time?" and "how they are hungry" before Suwawa took the role of the MC to announce the news!!!- You can see here:
I literally jumped up at the anime announcement!!!- Cos that was what I had been hoping and dreaming since the end of the season 1!(haha) And it sure was a tease when they left that announcement at the last(I almost lost my hope~)
^Also, this was what tempted me to go for Day 2 too~
Before I end this review, the VAs' closing statements were even more emotional that some of them were crying while saying; I got a much stronger deju vu... Really really glad this isn't the last but only the first!
Special shout out to Shukashu whom seemed to have endless energy on the 2 days~
And that was my review for the 2 days live! Pardon my pathetic limit choice of vocab^^;. This was purely done through my recalling of the 2 days so it might be wrong(as mentioned earlier). The best would be to buy the BD when they are out & pls do not support satellite rip!!!-if you call yourself true love liver! It'll really ruin future live viewings which given how more countries were given such chances, don't waste & make it a one-time thing!!!
And it sure is a long post(took me about 2 days) so I'm leaving my normal update ltr in the week~
Oh yeah before I forgot, the fanart I did for the first live:
![]() |
Deviantart | Instagram |
Oh and the insta link is a progress GIF of the work:)
I will end here with the showcase of the poster I managed to get:
This is Yaiji signing off.
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