Did a Strike The Blood fanart the day before . Unfortunately, I screwed up drawing both Himeragi and Sekkaroku. Kojou was fine.
Just last week I finished watching all 24 episodes of Strike The Blood. All I can say is that it isn't a bad anime; just a watchable anime. The good parts are the character designs and animation plus the great songs!
Out of the 4 songs, love opening 1 and ending 2. You can hear the both songs from the blog's playlist plus opening 2.
Opening 1: Strike The Blood by Kishida Kyodan and Akeboshi Rockets
Opening 2: Fight 4 Real by Altima
For the bad points... I would say the plot itself. It seems kinda rush that it's like each arc can be watched separately and you can still understand what's going on. Also reading from wiki, apparently a lot of the back stories are not explained in the anime itself... Lastly, the relationship between Himeragi and Kojou. I thought the relationship is similar to the relationship of Shana and Yuji in Shakugan No Shana but I was wrong; completely wrong. Their relationship escalated too fast that from one episode of awkwardness to another episode of intimate moment of Kojou's first drink of blood... It seems superficial...
All in all, I can only say it is light-hearted anime that is great to watch after work for a daily doze of anime. Hoping for a second season, considering the last scene with glasses guy and moegi or smthing.
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Battle between the 2 BP arthurs |
Did this fanart yesterday after the new scholar MA event came out. Love the new designs of the arthurs especially the BP arthur! Hoping to get at least one BP scholar arthur card. Then, there's the frag battle... Hate it a lot with how frag is easily taken by players. Being a F2P player, I am clearly at a disadvantage but like what most F2P players said, one should persevere and press on. And, yes I finally manage to get one Gareth! Going for the second right now. Another 4 more to go.(Sigh)
I swear MA is really pushing players to spend their money to buy pots. Just this afternoon, there's a maintainence. Was hoping a similar event of logging in at specific time to get event card but NO! MA has to go and tell players to finish each map that will come out every day in the last week of June in order to get the event card... With me trying to do frag battle, trying to get scholar arthur card and also trying to get the poker event card, with this new event... It's like doing all 4 things together and complete them b4 June ends... This is insane unless I buy pots which I will never since I learned my lesson in Maplestory... Never to spend money on in-game stuff. It's not worth it since when the time that you're sick of the game comes, you'll be reluctant to quit with the amt of money you spent on the game.-You'll feel it to be a waste to give up the game even though you're tired of it.
That's just my ramblings with so many things to do. And, another month plus to go before school starts. I feel that my freedom is disappearing soon-I fear that yet it is inevitable.
That's all today then! Going to go watch the last episode of Selector Infected WIXOSS! Heard that there's a second season!-Looking forward to it! In addition, waiting for Akuma No Riddle episode 12 to come up, subbed!-The cliffhanger at the end had been killing me since last week!
Where I gt the pic for the MA fanart:
This is Will signing off, ja ne~ (The fanart will be uploaded to my DA and pixiv account!)
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