Sunday, September 2, 2018

[Update] September

Time sure passed fast and it's September- 4 months before the end of the year(didn't notice until my family pointed out...)

It had been a month since I started working. It was tough(still is, btw) at the start(the transition from University to working life...) but slowly getting used to it.

^I'm just glad that I'm seeing some progress; though I'm still far from completing my task...
One step at a time to avoid the unnecessary stress from building up- I mean there is the uneasiness of not meeting my task requirements by the deadline but I have decided I would do what I can and try my best to deliver... 
Plus there is no point pondering about the possibilities of failure when they only give you nothing but worry and fear which will just hinder you...

Well, that was just me trying to be positive despite fearing for the worst but really, there is no point thinking too much(whether it's the future or the past) but do what I can in the present.

And this post was just me trying to convince myself to believe in myself and be positive^^; At this rate, if I'm adapting well, I may just stay on till my project is over- I mean time sure passes fast & a few years will be over in a blink of an eye; that is if I don't get deemed 'unfit' to meet the expectations...Sigh...

Okay, let's move on(before it turned into another depressing one...)

Art updates:

Started another 30-days-challenge for YohaRiko last week. Unlike ChikaRiko, will be drawing when I have the time so it won't be consistent but I will my best to do at least one per week... Currently, the progress is at day 5.
The artworks will be uploaded to insta-story and twitter- They may not be the final works
but they won't differ much from the final ones; likely just small changes/edits made^^;

Next, I just uploaded the works I did so far from March to August to Pixiv. And the works are aside from the ones I did for ChikaRiko 30 days challenge so it's quite a small compilation^^;(plus was quite busy from March to May due to University...)


That will be all then.

I will try get my post of my jap trip out soon(tho I kept procrastinating...)

Until next time, this is Yaiji signing off


PS: didn't plan to post this post & closed it... But apparently, blogger saved this post and I just continued writing and the initial thought was history(lol) 

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